Antoni Królikowski

Antoni Królikowski

Nascimento : 1989-02-17, Łódź, Poland


Antoni Królikowski
Antoni Królikowski
Antoni Królikowski
Antoni Królikowski
Antoni Królikowski
Antoni Królikowski
Antoni Królikowski
Antoni Królikowski


Jak ukradłem 100 milionów
Edward "Ed" Szmal
Porady na zdrady 2
Kryptonim Polska
If not for an injury, Staszek would be a Premier League star today. If not for her broken heart, Pola would continue to live in Warsaw. If not for a blind chance, they might never have met - thus things that made the news nationwide would never have happened. But what is done cannot be undone - and that’s how a roller coaster ride begins. He turns out to be a local troublemaker and a member of Roman’s nationalist gang, while she’s an activist representing all that Staszek and his radical buddies are out to fight against. Does their love stand a chance? Does it make sense? It’s hard to say and even harder to predict. In any case, Cupid’s arrow triggers off a chain of funny events involving the media, politicians, foreign visitors, a perky priest, and a number of people from very different walks of life.
Szczęścia chodzą parami
Malwina (Weronika Książkiewicz), a successful car designer, falls in love with Bruno (Michał Żurawski), a successful couples therapist. While he can save any relationship, his own love stories create a series of spectacular disasters. Handsome and funny, he could be the man of dreams, if not for the fact that he acts like a black cat on women. He brings bad luck to his chosen ones, which ends the most fiery romance with a bang. Unaware of Malwin's risk, she succumbs to his charm at first sight. Despite the fact that a series of unfortunate events begins in her life, Bruno is not going to give up this time. In order to save the love of her life, she must find the cause of her heart failures. However, he will not succeed without a bit of luck.
Como Me Apaixonei por um Gângster
Uma mulher misteriosa fala sobre a ascensão e queda de Nikodem "Nikoś" Skotarczak, um dos maiores gângsteres da história da Polônia. Inspirado em uma história real.
Karolina (Katarzyna Zawadzka) works in a bank, she is energetic, self-confident, go-getting. When the latest currency product comes into her hands - a loan in Swiss francs, the woman gets a great chance to prove herself. Having the full consent of his boss - Adam (Tomasz Karolak), he unscrupulously starts persuading clients to take the most risky and unfavorable investments. Jan (Jan Frycz) is the gray eminence of the Polish financiers. In his phone, he has contacts to the presidents of the largest banks in Poland. His cynical ideas and decisions affect the economy and the fate of hundreds of thousands of people overnight. Such as Artur (Rafał Zawierucha) - an ambitious head of an IT company who decides to use currency options to develop his business. His partner is Mateusz (Antoni Królikowski), who dreams of independence, his own place and the longed-for move away from his in-laws.
The Loop
Daniel Śnieżek
Based on a true story about a 2nd generation cop who has designs on becoming a detective but his goals descend into bribery, corruption and addiction.
A light comedy about building relationships – with passion and funny misunderstandings. All characters of this movie are in desire for flirt.
Bad Boy
Paweł Zawrotny
The rise and fall of a soccer club owner, discovering the harsh reality of the sport, often connected with crime and fraud.
Bartlomiej Misiewicz
Portraying the events that have taken place in Polish politics in recent years.
Esquadrão 303
Witold "Tolo" Łokuciewski
Esta é a história do esquadrão de caça conceituado, no qual serviu principalmente aviadores da Polônia, na história do combate aéreo e na defesa heroica da Inglaterra durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, a Batalha da Grã-Bretanha contra ataques nazistas. O Esquadrão 303 disparou três vezes mais aviões da Luftwaffe do que qualquer outro esquadrão aliado.
Eugeniusz Bodo
Into the Spiral
jako Klimek
Sanitariusz Kamil Grad
On 3 April 2004, during the holiday of Ashura, Iraqi rebels loyal to Shiite leader Muktada As-Sadr, launched an insurgency in the Polish zone. The Poles, together with Bulgarian soldiers and Iraqi police, were given the task of defending City Hall, led by Lieutenant colonel Grzegorz Kaliciak. The clash developed into the biggest Polish engagement since World War II. Not a single allied soldier died, although about 80 insurgents were killed in a counter-attack.
Screwed Up 2
Neck leads a quiet life, totally subordinated to his wife. His colleagues are out of town, and the neck is working in the company ordering the highway. When the case agent stars, feisty Clementine, sexy blonde kidnaps him to Warsaw, where the neck turns into a celebrity. To rescue a friend moves Phicol and Jadźka jealous wife.
Varsóvia 44
Agosto de 1944. No auge da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a Varsóvia está ocupada pelos alemães. Revoltados com os abusos cometidos pelos nazistas, os poloneses formam um exército clandestino para contra-atacar, aproveitando a notícia de que os aliados russos estão chegando. Stefan, um jovem de 18 anos que trabalha para sustentar a mãe e o irmão, abandona tudo para juntar-se às forças de resistência junto dos amigos e da namorada. Mas o chamado “Levante da Varsóvia” não tem final feliz: os reforços russos não aparecem e os nazistas, enfurecidos, reprimem a revolta dos poloneses com violência. Agora, Stefan e seus amigos precisam enfrentar na pele os horrores da guerra.
Battle of Warsaw 1920
członek komisji rekrutacyjnej
Poland's winning battle against Soviet Russia as seen through the eyes of two young protagonists, Ola and Jan. She is a Warsaw cabaret dancer, while he is a cavalry officer and poet who believes in socialist ideals
Och, Karol 2
Chłopak z marihuaną
Karol has everything. He has three mistresses in addition to the bride. He is charming, loves sex and enslaves women in the blink of an eye. He's also well aware of that women like and uses it for his benefits.
Muito dinheiro, máfia astuta, a polícia, e os bandidos assassinos. O brilhante Max (Paul Malaszynski), seu irmão ligeiramente errático Gula (Michal Lewandowski), um mortal Majka (Malgorzata Socha) em dois casos misteriosos e litros de sangue artificial. Malaszynski e Socha como em "The Matrix", cenas de ação como em "Kill Bill", e humor o de "Pulp Fiction". (Sic)
The Rite of Passage
Romek Szrama
A couple with two small children (Ludwik is fourteen and Hania is nine) travel from Lwow to a newly liberated Krakow. Ludwik attends a good school and quickly establish friendships. Before the 1946 June "3XTAK” referendum Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, leader of the PSL party, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture, came to Krakow. During his visit Ludwig was involved in a street brawl and consequently, was arrested. In turbulent times in which Ludwik matures, things trivial and silly still verge on the serious and the tragic...
Popieluszko: Freedom Is Within Us
Grzegorz Rzemyk
Story of life of Father Jerzy Popieluszko, the priest called "The Solidarity Chaplain", murdered by communist secret police.
Janek "Yerba", brat "Korby"
Four friends are facing problems like infidelity, infertility and disease. But together, they can solve every single problem.
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