William Cottrell


Killing at Hell's Gate
Sen. Hastings
A whitewater rafting party is terrorized by a group of loggers who, after accidentally killing one of the rafters in a drunken session of target practice, decide to eliminate the rest of the witnesses.
Return to Treasure Island
There's something to be said for finishing what you've started. That's why the gentile Captain Long John Silver is heading back to Treasure Island to see if he can unearth the cache of riches buried there by his colleague, Captain Flint. At the same time, he also hopes to bring to safety the governor's daughter and a young boy abducted by El Toro.
Captain Kidd and the Slave Girl
Roberts (as Bill Cottrell)
Captain Kidd and the Slave Girl is a 1954 Action-adventure film about a woman who disguises herself as a slave girl in order to try to gain information from Captain Kidd about his hidden treasure. The film was directed by Lew Landers, and stars Anthony Dexter, Eva Gabor, and Alan Hale Jr..
Júlio César
Em Roma, (exatamente nos idos de março de 44 A.C., como tinha sido previsto) César (Louis Calhern) é assassinado, pois os senadores alegam que sua ambição o transformaria em um tirano. Mas Marco Antonio (Marlon Brando) consegue, em um inflamado discurso, reverter a situação e os conspiradores são obrigados a fugir. A partir de então dois exércitos são formados, um comandado por Marco Antonio e Otávio (Douglass Watson) e o outro por Cássio (John Gielgud) e Brutus (James Mason), sendo que este segundo exército é numericamente inferior, mas os conspiradores preferem cometer suicídio a serem capturados.
Loose in London
The Bowery Boys take on British crooks when one of them thinks he's inherited a title.
O Tirano
The wicked Alain plots an elaborate revenge against his younger brother Edmund, leading to a deadly confrontation in his dungeon deathtrap.
The Man on the Eiffel Tower
A down-and-out student is hired to kill a wealthy woman. When someone else is suspected of the crime, the student taunts police until they realize that they may have to wrong man.
A Grande Ilusão
Reporter (Uncredited)
O filme conta a história de ascensão e queda de um político rebelde do interior que começa exigindo reformas e justiça social, mas acaba embriagado pelo próprio poder. O roteiro é uma adaptação do romance de Robert Penn Warren, publicado em 1946, e pelo qual o autor recebeu o Prémio Pulitzer de Literatura.