Beyond the Woods is a psychological thriller which follows Detective Reeves' investigation after Laura Bennett's death and the disappearance of her brother Jack. The suspect at hand is Laura's husband Andrew, who seems to be the only one to know where Jack really is. Detective Reeves must solve this never ending puzzle, as Jack's odds of survival are against him.
Barbie é Lumina uma linda sereia, que sonha em ser uma princesa. Desde pequena, Lumina tem um poder mágico de fazer as pérolas dançarem e brilharem. Ela e sua melhor amiga Tuca, um cavalo-marinho cor-de-rosa, embarcam em uma aventura ao fantástico reino das sereias. Lá, ela ajuda suas amigas com seus poderes incríveis, criando penteados lindos para o Baile Real. Lumina então descobre que suas pérolas mágicas são a chave para desvendar seu verdadeiro destino e salvar para sempre o reino das sereias.
Welcome to Chima - a magical world of untamed nature, beauty and wonder ruled by animal tribes. A world where CHI - the power of nature itself is carefully guarded by the Lions but equally shared amongst the tribes so all animals can live and thrive peacefully. A world where Laval the Lion and Cragger the Crocodile are the best of friends. But when an unfortunate series of events make young Cragger king of the Crocodiles, he throws everything out of balance as he tries to take control of all the CHI. Alliances amongst the tribes are formed and suddenly former friends are worst enemies.
The new LEGO Legends of CHIMA 4D Movie Experience takes the whole family on a trip into the World of Chima, where powerful tribes of animal warriors fight over the precious energy source CHI. Enter a wild chase through Chima with the young animals and will become entwined in a battle for CHI between Laval the Lion Prince and Cragger the Crocodile Prince!