Josette Trachsler


O Colosso de Rodes
No ano de 280 a.C., Darios, um herói militar grego, está visitando seu tio em Rodes. A cidade acabou de construir um enorme Colosso em homenagem a Apolo, para guardar o seu porto, e está planejando uma aliança com a Fenícia para atacar a Grécia. Por acidente, Darios se envolve com rebeldes que querem tirar o tirânico rei Xerxes do poder.
Cuspirei no Teu Túmulo
Executive Producer
Joe Grant, a light-skinned African American, heads to a small Southern town to investigate the lynching death of his brother. He draws the attention of a gorgeous heiress whom he learns may have been involved in the killing.
The Lebanese Mission
Fernandel the Dressmaker
A modest taylor the women found irresistible inherit a Maison de couture in financial difficulty. Decided to save it he prepare a great collection. But when his wife discovered his relations with one of the mannequin, how would he prevent the scandale without loosing... both of them?!