Larry Leahy


High in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, a local sheriff finds world skateboard champion Paul McGuiness’ abandoned hearse parked at a remote alpine lake. Stricken with guilt and shame, Bruce McGuiness—Paul's brother and manager—sets out on an epic road trip with four of Paul’s best friends to restore his missing brother’s honor and skateboard legacy. What begins as an adventure of a lifetime to make skateboard history quickly turns into an ominous battle for survival.
High in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, a local sheriff finds world skateboard champion Paul McGuiness’ abandoned hearse parked at a remote alpine lake. Stricken with guilt and shame, Bruce McGuiness—Paul's brother and manager—sets out on an epic road trip with four of Paul’s best friends to restore his missing brother’s honor and skateboard legacy. What begins as an adventure of a lifetime to make skateboard history quickly turns into an ominous battle for survival.
Script Coordinator
Flor (Paz Vega) é uma bela mexicana, que possui uma filha de 12 anos (Shelbie Bruce). Ela vai trabalhar como empregada doméstica na casa dos Clasky, uma influente família de Los Angeles. Temendo sua adaptação à cultura americana, Flor se surpreende com a forma receptiva com a qual é tratada pelos Clasky.
Impacto Profundo
Script Coordinator
Um astrônomo-mirim e seu professor acidentalmente descobrem que um cometa com 11 mil metros de diâmetro vai colidir com a Terra, mas um dos descobridores morre em um desastre de automóvel. Após um ano, um repórter tentando investigar um possível escândalo sexual chega à conclusão de que a "amante" é o cometa, que está prestes a se chocar com nosso planeta. Se isto vier a acontecer os danos causados serão incalculáveis e a vida animal e vegetal em pouco tempo deixará de existir. No entanto, uma equipe formada por americanos e russos planeja colocar detonadores nucleares, para fragmentar o cometa e salvar a Terra.
Confessions of a Hitman
A former hitman named Bruno steals some cash from his mobster uncle. He plans to go to Tahiti, but things go wrong and he finds himself headed for Vegas via Death Valley in a comandeered airport limousine, pursued by his uncle's henchmen and accompanied by a limo driver and an enigmatic blonde.
The Lawless Land
Action-adventure set in a world of the near-future, where young love is forbidden among the lower classes. Nevertheless, one couple defies their police-state world to fight and hold on to whatever love they can find.