Vincent Solignac

Vincent Solignac


Vincent Solignac
Vincent Solignac


Le Nouveau
À mon tour
Pierre Loisel
Tudo dá certo para Félix de Ponte, prefeito de Châteauneuf-sur-Valone, mas um artigo na imprensa destrói sua vida. Suas travessuras, sua amante: tudo é revelado lá! Humilhada, sua esposa, Rose, decide reagir concorrendo contra ele nas eleições municipais.
À mon tour
Tudo dá certo para Félix de Ponte, prefeito de Châteauneuf-sur-Valone, mas um artigo na imprensa destrói sua vida. Suas travessuras, sua amante: tudo é revelado lá! Humilhada, sua esposa, Rose, decide reagir concorrendo contra ele nas eleições municipais.
Some Like It Rare
Homme carnivore marché bio
O filme conta a história de um casal dono de um açougue falido que no desespero por reerguer seu negócio, acaba matando um homem sem querer. E mais sem querer ainda eles acabam matando um homem, um vegano que ataca e quase destrói o restaurante deles.
Some Like It Rare
O filme conta a história de um casal dono de um açougue falido que no desespero por reerguer seu negócio, acaba matando um homem sem querer. E mais sem querer ainda eles acabam matando um homem, um vegano que ataca e quase destrói o restaurante deles.
Coexister Não é Fácil
Directeur lingerie
Nicolas é um produtor musical que pode perder seu cargo de diretor da empresa caso continue sem sucesso com seus artistas. Após receber um ultimato, ele tem uma ideia inusitada: reunir um rabino, um padre e um imã para formar a banda Coexistir. Mas o que parecia ideal se transforma numa série de confusões quando os integrantes revelam suas personalidades.
The Robbed Robber
Monsieur Robineau
When his loot is mysteriously stolen, a small-time thief on the run hides out in a small village, posing as the local schoolteacher.
The Robbed Robber
When his loot is mysteriously stolen, a small-time thief on the run hides out in a small village, posing as the local schoolteacher.
Case départ
Le marchand d'esclaves
Two contempo Frenchmen of Antillean descent visit their ancestor's time as well as their land in the slavery-themed French era.
Jamais 2 sans 3
One evening, Etienne, a police officer from the BAC, and Christian, his teammate, witness the assault of a young girl. But the killer manages to escape, seriously injuring Christian. Shortly after, Etienne discovers, on the one hand, that Angèle, the woman who left him seven months earlier, is about to give birth and that his new boss, Alex Le Guen, is none other than the man he spent the night with after a drunken evening.
Jamais 2 sans 3
One evening, Etienne, a police officer from the BAC, and Christian, his teammate, witness the assault of a young girl. But the killer manages to escape, seriously injuring Christian. Shortly after, Etienne discovers, on the one hand, that Angèle, the woman who left him seven months earlier, is about to give birth and that his new boss, Alex Le Guen, is none other than the man he spent the night with after a drunken evening.
Missão Córsega - O Filme
Belgian consul
Remi François é conhecido também como Jack Palmer, um detetive particular que se acha tão irresistível com as mulheres quanto bom em seu trabalho, é contratado para encontrar Ange Leoni, um corso que herdou um dinheiro limpo, mas que desapareceu no ar. O que parecia ser uma missão simples, se torna um verdadeiro pesadelo para Jack Palmer assim que ele aterrissa na fabulosa ilha da Córsega. Tudo parece contribuir para que ele não encontre Ange Leoni, desde os locais que relutam a conversar, passando por separatistas que o sequestram, policiais pouco confiáveis até chegar ao próprio Leoni. Depois desta missão, Jack Palmer nunca mais trocará o céu cinzento de Paris pelo paraíso que se tornou para ele um verdadeiro inferno.
Le Dirlo
La Torpille
Léon Blum : Thérèse et Léon
In 1936, the political and marital tribulations of Léon Blum, elected President of the Council at the head of the Popular Front.
Nosso Professor é um Herói
Gerard Depardieu é um novo professor em uma escola de classe baixa. Ele tem dificuldade com uma classe especial da oitava série e em seu prédio.
Joan the Maid II: The Prisons
Joan has succeeded in lifting the siege on Orléans and Charles VII has been ordained King of France. However, she is injured in her failed attempt to take Paris, weakening her position at court. When she is finally captured and put on trial, she finds both her life and the sanctity of her body at stake.
Joan the Maid I: The Battles
Jeanne the Maid leaves her childhood home in Domremy after hearing what she is sure was the voice of God. She believes that she can help lead France to victory on the battlefield, and she persuades Charles, dauphin of France to allow her to guide his troops.
Comédie d'été
The civilian
Adrien does not see eye to eye with his patrician father about much. It is 1912, and the old man still believes in the old rules which strait-jacket "men of class." He believes that the elite have the right to conquer where they can, that they should refrain from publicizing their improprieties, and he is rabidly pro-military. Adrian, kicked out of his military school for his own improprieties (and hiding that from his father), is naturally drawn to Vicky a beautiful divorced woman and friend of the family who is staying at their mansion. The family tutor, a man of ordinary background (with some ideas which seem radical in this household) is similarly smitten. On the basis of their shared attraction, the two men form a friendship. Meanwhile, the object of their affection finds it diverting to toy with them.
Morrer de Amor
Two physicians, one old and one young, fall in love with the same woman, Juliette, a quixotic hairdresser. First, she is with Raoul, the older one; then passion for Clément, the younger doctor, takes over. Raoul fights back, playing on Clément's guilt and Juliette's lack of self-assurance; then, Clément makes his case to Juliette, abandons his fiancée, and takes her to the provinces where he sets up practice and asks her to have a baby. She panics and abruptly leaves Clément, taking up with Raoul again. When she contracts Hodgkin's disease and the treatment does no good, Raoul believes she has the malady of love. Is there a cure?
Marriage of the Century
Princess Charlotte is scheduled to marry a boring duke, but before that event happens, Paul has taken a bet that he can seduce her. He does, profits from his act, and then falls in love with her. Meanwhile, the wedding with the duke is still planned, and it remains to be seen whether Paul will give in and give up.
Kill the Referee
Michel, a referee has to suffer the consequences of having whistled a penalty against a team which is supported by football hooligans.