Demetrius Alexis


Nascido Para Matar
Maitre d'Hotel (uncredited)
Helen Brent has just received a Reno divorce. That night, she discovers her neighbor Laury Palmer and a gentleman caller murdered in Palmer's home. The killer is her neighbor's other boyfriend Sam Wilde, an insanely jealous man who won't abide anyone "cutting in" on him.
Her Favorite Patient
Skyland Cafe Waiter (uncredited)
A beautiful female doctor visits her small hometown on her way back to Chicago. Her overworked uncle, who is the town's doctor, wants her to stay and help him, and he and a macho test pilot who's fallen for her come up with a plan that involves the pilot faking an illness and being treated by her, with her uncle's "help".
Missão em Moscou
O.G.P.U. Man (uncredited)
Ambassador Joseph Davies is sent by FDR to Russia to learn about the Soviet system and returns to America as an advocate of Stalinism.
Quero-te Como És
Fast-talking con-man and grifter Candy Johnson rises to be the corrupt boss of Yellow Creek, but his wife's alcoholic father tries to set things right.
Cidadão Kane
Newsreel Man (uncredited)
Charles Foster Kane foi um menino pobre que acaba se tornando um dos homens mais ricos do mundo. O filme inicia com a sua morte, momentos antes da qual pronuncia a palavra "Rosebud". Após dias de sensacionalismo em cima da notícia de sua morte, o jornalista Jerry Thompson é enviado por seu chefe para investigar a vida de Kane, a fim de descobrir o sentido de sua última palavra, a qual ninguém sabia. Entrevistando pessoas do passado de Kane, o jornalista mergulha na vida de um homem solitário, que desde a infância é obrigado a seguir a vontade alheia. Ninguém a seu redor importa-se com Kane, que busca por meio da aquisição de bens a adoração das pessoas. Ao final, Thompson, após a exaustiva investigação da vida de Kane através de entrevistas, se vê incapaz de descobrir o significado da palavra, concluindo que "Charles Foster Kane foi um homem que possuiu tudo o que quis e depois perdeu tudo. Talvez Rosebud seja algo que ele nunca tenha possuído ou algo que tenha perdido".
They Knew What They Wanted
Restaurant Customer (uncredited)
While courting a young woman by mail, a rich farmer sends a photograph of his foreman instead of his own, which leads to complications when she accepts his marriage proposal.
A Russian prince disguised as a worker and a cafe singer secretly involved in revolutionary activities fall in love.
Torture Ship
Steve Murano
A mad scientist performs experiments on "the criminal mind" on captured criminals on board his private ship.
Perdida na Metrópole
Russian Musician
A wealthy, eccentric collector of stuffed birds (Pinky Tomlin) and a beautiful Russian singer (Rita Hayworth) provide refuge to an orphaned Irish child (Jane Withers) who has arrived illegally in New York. Director Lewis Seiler's 1936 comedy, with numerous songs, also features Jane Darwell, George Givot, Robert Dudley, Vera Lewis, Louise Carter, Francis Ford, Russell Simpson and Clarence Wilson.
Mr. Rogers (uncredited)
Em um circo de atrações bizarras, a linda trapezista Cleopatra é cortejada pelo anão Hans, mas o rejeita até descobrir que este herdou uma fortuna. Seu plano, forjado com o amante Hercules, é casar para depois envenenar o pequeno, mas logo a armação é descoberta e os diferentes se unem pela vingança.
The Cohens and the Kellys in Africa
Sheik's Aide
Cohen and Kelly families go to Africa to buy elephant tusks.
The Red Dance
Tasia (Dolores del Río), a beautiful dancer lower class of Russia, falls heir to the throne Prince, Grand Duke Eugene (Charles Farrell), but only admired from a distance. At the outbreak of the Russian Revolution, the Duke falls in captivity and this allows Tasia be near him.