Damien Manivel

Damien Manivel

Nascimento : 1981-01-01, Brest, France


Damien Manivel


The Island
Rosa and her gang have decided to spend the night on “the island”, a stretch of beach that has become their kingdom. It’s the last evening of the summer, the summer of our eighteenth birthdays, the time to experience everything, the time to say goodbye.
Since the death of Jesus, Mary Magdalene has withdrawn from the world. Her hair has turned white, she eats berries, drinks water from the rain and sleeps among the trees. Alone in the heart of the forest, she remembers her lost love. She looks for a way to find him.
Since the death of Jesus, Mary Magdalene has withdrawn from the world. Her hair has turned white, she eats berries, drinks water from the rain and sleeps among the trees. Alone in the heart of the forest, she remembers her lost love. She looks for a way to find him.
Since the death of Jesus, Mary Magdalene has withdrawn from the world. Her hair has turned white, she eats berries, drinks water from the rain and sleeps among the trees. Alone in the heart of the forest, she remembers her lost love. She looks for a way to find him.
Since the death of Jesus, Mary Magdalene has withdrawn from the world. Her hair has turned white, she eats berries, drinks water from the rain and sleeps among the trees. Alone in the heart of the forest, she remembers her lost love. She looks for a way to find him.
Return to Toyama
Takumi left Japan to go live in France despite his father’s disapproval. After a long absence, he returns to his hometown Toyama, a small port in decline on the north coast of Japan...
Os Filhos de Isadora
Em abril de 1913, depois da morte de seus dois filhos, a dançarina Isadora Duncan cria um solo de despedida, intitulado "Mãe". O espetáculo apresenta uma mãe embalando o filho pela última vez antes de deixá-lo ir. Um século depois, quatro mulheres conhecem esta dança comovente.
Os Filhos de Isadora
Em abril de 1913, depois da morte de seus dois filhos, a dançarina Isadora Duncan cria um solo de despedida, intitulado "Mãe". O espetáculo apresenta uma mãe embalando o filho pela última vez antes de deixá-lo ir. Um século depois, quatro mulheres conhecem esta dança comovente.
Os Filhos de Isadora
Em abril de 1913, depois da morte de seus dois filhos, a dançarina Isadora Duncan cria um solo de despedida, intitulado "Mãe". O espetáculo apresenta uma mãe embalando o filho pela última vez antes de deixá-lo ir. Um século depois, quatro mulheres conhecem esta dança comovente.
Takara - A Noite em Que Nadei
Montanhas cobertas de neve no Japão. Todas as noites, um pescador vai até o mercado na cidade, deixando seu filho de seis anos acordado e com dificuldade para voltar a dormir. A criança pinta enquanto todos na casa estão dormindo.
Takara - A Noite em Que Nadei
Montanhas cobertas de neve no Japão. Todas as noites, um pescador vai até o mercado na cidade, deixando seu filho de seis anos acordado e com dificuldade para voltar a dormir. A criança pinta enquanto todos na casa estão dormindo.
O Parque
É verão e dois adolescentes têm seu primeiro encontro em um parque. Hesitantes e tímidos no início, eles logo descobrem um ao outro, se aproximam enquanto caminham e acabam se apaixonando. Mas quando o sol se põe, é hora de se separarem… e assim começa uma noite escura.
O Parque
É verão e dois adolescentes têm seu primeiro encontro em um parque. Hesitantes e tímidos no início, eles logo descobrem um ao outro, se aproximam enquanto caminham e acabam se apaixonando. Mas quando o sol se põe, é hora de se separarem… e assim começa uma noite escura.
A Young Poet
Barely out of his teens, Rémi dreams of becoming a poet and thrilling the world with his powerful and unforgettable verse. Seeking inspiration in the oppressively hot city of Sète, pen and notebook in hand, Rémi is determined to write his poem... But where to begin? By spending hours contemplating the sea? Climbing a mountain? Listening to the birds singing? Going to the library? Finding his muse? In bars? In the cemetery? Underwater? And if none of that works, then by drinking, drinking and drinking some more until that spark of inspiration strikes.
A Young Poet
Barely out of his teens, Rémi dreams of becoming a poet and thrilling the world with his powerful and unforgettable verse. Seeking inspiration in the oppressively hot city of Sète, pen and notebook in hand, Rémi is determined to write his poem... But where to begin? By spending hours contemplating the sea? Climbing a mountain? Listening to the birds singing? Going to the library? Finding his muse? In bars? In the cemetery? Underwater? And if none of that works, then by drinking, drinking and drinking some more until that spark of inspiration strikes.
A Sunday Morning
A man takes his dog for an early morning walk around the streets and alleyways of a Parisian suburb. On returning home, he decides instead to continue to a secluded hill to sit with his dog and think.
A Sunday Morning
A man takes his dog for an early morning walk around the streets and alleyways of a Parisian suburb. On returning home, he decides instead to continue to a secluded hill to sit with his dog and think.
La dame au chien
A teenager brings back a dog to its owner, an obese black woman. He soon finds himself having to dirnk with her.
La dame au chien
A teenager brings back a dog to its owner, an obese black woman. He soon finds himself having to dirnk with her.
Danced role-play for men, without words and without music. Here, the choreography says everything about male behaviour and mutual relationships. In e.g. dressing room and kitchen, seven men move between shame, modesty and the lust for power.
Danced role-play for men, without words and without music. Here, the choreography says everything about male behaviour and mutual relationships. In e.g. dressing room and kitchen, seven men move between shame, modesty and the lust for power.