Sandi Sissel

Nascimento : 1949-08-09,


Karaoke Girl
Executive Producer
Following a young escort girl in Bangkok through portraits of her daily life, introducing the nuances of a vocation borne out of a simple necessity: supporting a family in rural Thailand.
Karaoke Girl
Director of Photography
Following a young escort girl in Bangkok through portraits of her daily life, introducing the nuances of a vocation borne out of a simple necessity: supporting a family in rural Thailand.
Libertem Angela Davis
O documentário retrata a vida de Angela Davis, uma professora de filosofia nascida no Alabama e conhecida por seu profundo engajamento na defesa dos direitos humanos. Quando Angela defende três prisioneiros negros nos anos 1970, ela é acusada de organizar uma tentativa de fuga e sequestro, que levou à morte de um juiz e quatro detentos. Nesta época, Angela Davis se tornou a mulher mais procurada dos Estados Unidos.
Lado a Lado
Desde a invenção do cinema, o formato padrão para gravar imagens em movimento tem sido o filme. Nas últimas duas décadas, surgiu uma nova forma de filmagem digital, criando uma evolução inovadora no meio. Keanu Reeves explora o desenvolvimento do cinema e o impacto do cinema digital por meio de entrevistas aprofundadas com mestres de Hollywood, como James Cameron, David Fincher, David Lynch, Christopher Nolan, Martin Scorsese, George Lucas, Steven Soderbergh e muitos outros.
Meet the Browns
A single mother living in inner city Chicago, Brenda has been struggling for years to make ends meet and keep her three kids off the street. When she's laid off with no warning, she starts losing hope for the first time - until a letter arrives announcing the death of a father she's never met. Desperate for any kind of help, Brenda takes her family to Georgia for the funeral, but nothing could have prepared her for the Browns, her father's fun-loving, crass Southern clan. In a small-town world full of long afternoons and country fairs, Brenda struggles to get to know the family she never knew existed...and finds a brand new romance that just might change her life.
Women Behind the Camera
Reveals the courageous lives of pioneer camerawomen from Hollywood to Bollywood, from war zones to children’s laughter, in a way that has never been seen before. Based on a book by Alexis Krasilovsky, the film tells the stories of camerawomen surviving the odds in Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Iran, Mexico, the U.S. and other countries, as well as exploring their individual visions.
Loucuras na Idade Média
Second Unit Director of Photography
Jamal Sky Walker (Martin Lawrence) é um homem tagarela que tem grandes planos para sua vida. Mas, no momento, ele precisa se concentrar em seu trabalho em um parque temático sobre a Idade Média. Entretanto, num dia Jamal leva uma bolada na cabeça e desmaia. Ao acordar, percebe que está em pleno ano 1328, em um mundo repleto de cavaleiros em suas armaduras e donzelas a serem salvas. Jamal então resolve ajudar um ex-cavaleiro e uma bela camponesa contra um rei malvado, usando para isso seus conhecimentos do século 21 em plena Idade Média.
Austin Powers: O Agente Bond Cama
Second Unit Director of Photography
Em sua segunda aventura na tela, o super espião britânico Austin Powers retorna a 1969 porque o seu arqui-inimigo Dr. Evil voltou no tempo após ter roubado o mojo de Austin e criado um laser poderoso que está apontado para à Terra. Com a ajuda da bela agente Felicity Shagwell, o recém-solteiro Austin deve agora não só lidar com Dr. Evil, mas também com o maldoso e minúsculo Mini-Me.
As Aventuras de Barney
Director of Photography
Esta é uma agitadíssima aventura para toda a família, com Barney estrelando seu primeiríssimo filme, As Aventuras de Barney. Um passeio à fazenda do vovô vira uma incrível jornada, quando Barney e a turma procuram um ovo mágico que está a ponto de chocar algo muito especial.
Fada por Acaso
Director of Photography
Uma dentista trabalhadora e solitária morre num atropelamento e fica "presa" no limbo. Para entrar no céu, ela precisa ser bem sucedida na função que recebe: ser a fada do dente. Ela não deve ter contato com as crianças, mas faz amizade com um garotinho.
Radiant City
Director of Photography
Driven to the brink by her overworked and insensitive husband and horrendously selfish children, Brooklyn-based housewife Gloria Goodman seeks a meaning to life.
Dad, the Angel & Me
Director of Photography
A divorced doctor finds himself in real trouble living with his daughter alone now. But fortunately a guardian angel is watching over the lives of both of them.
Dragstrip Girl
Director of Photography
Johnny is a bad guy whom is trying to go straight whom becomes smitten with Laura, a wealthy good girl whom is rebelling against her parents by pretending to go steady with him, all set among the backdrop of 1950s Los Angeles.
Férias em Alto Astral
Director of Photography
Morris (Jonathan Jackson) e seus amigos são jovens que não aguentam mais ser obrigados pelos seus pais a passar o verão em acampamentos chatos. Então, eles decidem criar seu próprio acampamento, sem professores, funcionários ou regras. Eles chantageiam o professor de teatro Dennis Van Welker (Christopher Lloyd) para ajudá-los nesta louca missão e convencer seus pais de que é proibido visitas no local, deixando o caminho liberado para que eles tenham o melhor verão de suas vidas.
Armadilha Para Um Assassino
Director of Photography
Sem provas para prender maníaco homicida, policial novata arma plano perigoso: fazer amizade com o assassino na espera de um tropeço.
Visions of Light
Cameramen and women discuss the craft and art of cinematography and of the "DP" (the director of photography), illustrating their points with clips from 100 films, from Birth of a Nation to Do the Right Thing. Themes: the DP tells people where to look; changes in movies (the arrival of sound, color, and wide screens) required creative responses from DPs; and, these artisans constantly invent new equipment and try new things, with wonderful results. The narration takes us through the identifiable studio styles of the 30s, the emergence of noir, the New York look, and the impact of Europeans. Citizen Kane, The Conformist, and Gordon Willis get special attention.
As Criaturas Atrás das Paredes
Para ganhar dinheiro e ajudar sua mãe doente a pagar o aluguel, um garoto pobre precisa entrar na mansão dos ricos proprietários do prédio onde vive. Porém, o que o menino não sabe é que nessa casa misteriosa moram dois homicidas com uma menina.
No Secrets
Director of Photography
Three childhood girlfriends reunite at the parents' remote cottage where they try and come to grips with their separate development and diverging interests. Then a man with a secret shows up and lies his way into their situation. They take turns falling in love with him and then suspecting he is not being level with them, which causes a strain in their already strained relationship. Eventually they must make a decision on whether to get rid of him or flee.
Keeping Secrets
Director of Photography
Based on Suzanne Somer's autobiography, the film tells of her troubled childhood, her affairs, her abortion anad her arrest for writing bad cheques and posing nude.
The Flash
Director of Photography
Barry Allen, o detetive do laboratório criminal, é transformado no Flash, o homem mais rápido do mundo, e enfrenta os Dark Riders, uma gangue de motociclistas que aterroriza Central City.
Songs for Drella
Camera Operator
Vinte anos depois que Lou Reed e John Cale dissolveram o Velvet Underground, eles se reuniram brevemente para gravar “Songs for Drella.” Capturado pela câmera neste filme, o álbum explora a vida, sonhos, aspirações e medos do mentor e gerente da banda, Andy Warhol.
Heavy Petting
Celebrities and creatives -- including musician David Byrne, performance artist Spalding Gray, comedian Sandra Bernhard, radical activist Abbie Hoffman, and poet Allen Ginsberg-- recall their earliest sexual experiences.
That Rhythm, Those Blues
A documentary covering the R&B (rhythm and blues) field from the 1940s to the early 1950s. Included is footage of performances by major R&B singers of the time, and interviews with singers, producers and others involved in the field.
Calling the Shots
Director of Photography
Documentary about women in the film industry. Numerous notable actresses and female directors share their thoughts.
Salaam Bombay!
Director of Photography
O longa conta a história de um grupo de crianças de rua tentando sobreviver nas ruas de Mumbai, em meio a bicos e problemas com a polícia. O principal deles é o menino Krishna, que foi abandonado por sua mãe no no circo Apollo, só podendo voltar para casa quando conseguir juntar 500 rúpias, para pagar a bicicleta quebrada do irmão. Ao lado de traficantes e prostituas nas ruas de Mumbai, ele tenta de tudo para conseguir o dinheiro e poder voltar para casa.
Lily Tomlin
Additional Camera
Backstage record of how Lily Tomlin, Jane Wagner and their associates put together "The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe," Miss Tomlin's one-woman Broadway play.
Mother Teresa
Director of Photography
We follow the daily activities of Mother Teresa and her nuns, in service to the poor of India and the world. Mother Teresa attends to the basic needs of her nuns and the poor, while at the same time, balances her role as world-recognized leader. Throughout the film, we witness personal and "behind-the-scenes" events, including the blessing ceremony of a nun becoming part of Mother Teresa's "Sisters of the Poor" convent.
High Wire
Philippe Petit relembra a ocasião em que atravessou o World Trade Center numa corda bamba.
Chicken Ranch
Director of Photography
Documentary on the "Chicken Ranch," a legal Nevada brothel.
Chicken Ranch
Documentary on the "Chicken Ranch," a legal Nevada brothel.
Rush premiered at the 18th New York Film Festival, and was the first film of Evelyn Purcell.
Best Boy
Assistant Camera
In this documentary, the director follows the day-to-day activities of his retarded, middle-aged cousin Philly, over a three-year period.
Paul Jacobs and the Nuclear Gang
Additional Photography
Documentary about the atomic testing done in the desert of Nevada, the health risks it posed to closely involved military personnel, and the lack of transparency from US administrations about its effects on the public at large.