Salem Ludwig

Salem Ludwig

Nascimento : 1915-07-31,

Morte : 2007-04-01


Salem Ludwig


A Família Savage
Mr. Sperry
Wendy (Laura Linney) e Jon Savage (Philip Seymour Hoffman) sempre buscaram escapar do jeito dominador de seu pai (Philip Bosco), sendo que agora lidam apenas com suas próprias vidas. Wendy trabalha como dramaturga no East Village e passa seus dias buscando doações, namorando o vizinho casado e roubando material de escritório. Já Jon trabalha como professor universitário em Buffalo, tendo escrito alguns livros sobre assuntos obscuros. Um dia eles recebem um telefonema que os informa que seu pai, Lenny, está aos poucos sendo consumido pela demência e que apenas eles podem ajudá-lo. Isto faz com que Jon e Wendy voltem a morar juntos, o que não ocorria desde a infância, com ambos tendo que lidar com as excentricidades do outro.
Man with Suitcase
Num subúrbio de Nova York, Connie Sumner (Diane Lane) leva uma vida feliz e segura ao lado de Edward (Richard Gere), com quem está casada há 11 anos, e seu filho Charlie (Erik Per Sullivan). Aparentemente nada poderia se interpor na felicidade do casal, mas o amor é posto à prova quando Connie esbarra com Paul Martel (Olivier Martinez), um belo e sensual francês. Os dois se tornam amantes e são dominados por uma paixão que não para de crescer, enquanto o comportamento da mulher começa a gerar suspeitas em Edward.
Fast Food Fast Women
How important is the truth when falling in love? Bella is a Manhattan café waitress, about to turn 35, stuck in a long-term affair going nowhere. Paul is a widower, facing old age alone. Bella's mother sets her up with Bruno, a novelist/cabbie who likes to bed-hop and whose ex-wife expects their two children to stay with him for awhile. While Bruno learns some maturity from his young daughter, Paul answers a personals ad placed by a "widow, 60." The two couples - along with one of Paul's older pals and a Jungian stripper - sort out how to initiate a relationship these days, what to do when someone you like disappoints you, and when to tell the truth.
A Razão do Meu Afeto
Mr. Shapiro
George e Nina se conhecem em um jantar, ficam grandes amigos e vão morar juntos. Nina começa a se interessar pelo amigo, mas ela namora Vince, e George é gay. Quando Nina engravida de Vince, ela decide que quer criar o bebê ao lado de George.
Rabugentos & Mentirosos
Old Nat Moyer is a talker, a philosopher, and a troublemaker with a fanciful imagination. His companion is Midge Carter, who is half-blind, but still the super of an apartment house. When he is threatened with retirement, Nat battles on his behalf. Nat also takes on his daughter, a drug dealer, and a mugger in this appealing version of a really 'odd couple'.
1996 short film
Por Amor ou Por Dinheiro
Michael J. Fox interpreta o cortês gerente de um hotel de luxo, Doug Ireland, que faz de tudo para agradar os hóspedes, sonhando em um dia encontrar um que financie o seu grande sonho: montar o próprio hotel. Quando finalmente encontra alguém (Anthony Higgins) disposto a transformar o seu desejo em realidade, Doug se apaixona por Andy Hart (Gabrielle Anwar), a amante do rico empresário com quem ele conta para investir no negócio. Agora Doug terá de enfrentar um clássico dilema - ele irá escolher o amor ou o dinheiro? Esta sofisticada e espirituosa comédia, apresenta uma deliciosa história de amor com muitos risos e romance. Estrelando o astro do filme De Volta Para o Futuro, Michael J. Fox, Anthony Higgins (Os Caçadores da Arca Perdida) e Gabrielle Anwar (Perfume de Mulher).
Negócios de Família
Quando é libertado um velho (Sean Connery) acostumado a aplicar golpes convida o neto (Matthew Broderick), que deseja seguir seus passos, a ajuda-lo em um assalto. Mas o pai do jovem (Dustin Hoffman), um ex-assaltante, reluta em apoiar tal empreitada.
Three young friends steal some music equipment for their struggling post-punk band and, in a panic, kill the shop’s owner. Assayas’ debut feature examines, with characteristic restraint and acuity, the psychological fallout as the band unravels—and each of its members grapple with their own feelings of guilt, paranoia, and despair.
A Difícil Arte de Amar
Ela é uma escritora que abandona sua carreira pelo amor à sua família. Ele é um colunista mulherengo que não consegue deixar seu passado de lado. E se essa combinação não um exemplo da difícil arte de amar, nada mais é!
The Defection of Simas Kudirka
Assistant Supervisor
Based on the true story of the attempted defection in 1970 by a Lithuanian seaman seeking political asylum in the United States. Kudirka was denied asylum and returned to the Soviets, charged with treason, and sentenced to ten years of hard labor. It was later discovered and verified that his mother had been born in Brooklyn and gone to Lithuania at a young age, which meant she was a U. S. citizen. As a result, Kudirka was declared a U. S. citizen and in 1974 released by the Soviets.
I Love You, Alice B. Toklas!
Harold Fine is a self-described square - a 35-year-old Los Angeles lawyer who's not looking forward to middle age nor his upcoming wedding. His life changes when he falls in love with Nancy, a free-spirited, innocent, and beautiful young hippie. After Harold and his family enjoy some of her "groovy" brownies, he decides to "drop out" with her and become a hippie too. But can he return to his old life when he discovers that the hippie lifestyle is just a little too independent and irresponsible for his tastes?
The Three Sisters
In a small Russian town at the turn of the century, three sisters and their brother live but dream daily of their return to their former home in Moscow, where life is charming and stimulating meaningful. But for now they exist in a malaise of dissatisfaction. Soldiers from the local military post provide them some companionship and society, but nothing can suffice to replace Moscow in their hopes. Andrei marries a provincial girl, Natasha, and begins to settle into a life of much less meaning than he had hoped. Natasha begins to run the family her way. Masha, though married, yearns for the sophisticated life and begins a dalliance with Vershinin, an army officer with a sick and suicidal wife. Even Irina, the freshest, most optimistic of the sisters, begins to waver in her dreams until, finally, tragedy strikes.
Never Love a Stranger
Moishe Moscowitz
Orphan turns bad, finds redemption with some help from boyhood pal. This movie is of interest because of the presence of a young Steve McQueen, the leading man being John Drew Barrymore, father of the more famous Drew, and for being based on a novel by Harold Robbins, famous for steamy writing in his day.