Stéphanie Weber Biron

Stéphanie Weber Biron

Nascimento : 1976-05-21, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Stephanie Weber Biron is a Canadian director and cinematographer.


Stéphanie Weber Biron


Director of Photography
The Journey
Director of Photography
The Journey is the story of a father and daughter reunion. From Montreal’s airport, they will travel along a chaotic path, where their inability to find each other will unveil a complicated relationship and have them drift from their initial course.
La grogne
Director of Photography
A child by all means tries to gain her father's affection, but the family dog proves to be a fierce rival.
Little Orphans
Director of Photography
The wedding of their youngest sister, Janet, brings Gwen and Kay home to St. John’s, Newfoundland. While Janet struggles to hide her family’s dysfunction, Kay can’t help but create chaos wherever she goes and Gwen finds herself paralyzed by a past secret. The complicated web of relationships between the sisters, their Aunt Maureen, their absent mother, and Kay’s young daughter Billie, is only illuminated by the wedding. Gwen’s attempts to get Kay to take responsibility for her daughter highlights her own abandonment of her ex, Tom, leading them all to a not-so-perfect storm of a reception.
Vida de Campeã
Director of Photography
Enquanto jovem e em seu auge, Nadia decide se aposentar da natação profissional após os Jogos Olímpicos para escapar de uma vida rígida de sacrifícios. Depois de sua última corrida, Nadia mergulha em noites de excesso pontuadas por episódios de insegurança. Mas mesmo esse entorpecimento transicional não pode esconder sua verdadeira busca interior: definir sua identidade fora do mundo dos esportes de elite.
Director of Photography
It’s the story of a woman who, after being unceremoniously dumped on her 39th birthday, faces her fear of becoming a pathetic, lonely spinster.
A Woman, My Mother
Director of Photography
Filmmaker Claude Demers tells the story of his search for his biological mother and their eventual meeting. He does this in voice-over, accompanied by images from Canada's national archives. The painstakingly selected and fluidly edited black-and-white clips build up, like the perfectly fitting pieces of a puzzle; an impression of his mother as he had imagined her. How she grew up, worked, loved and left him.
Amidst a grotesque but slickly animated menagerie of extreme plastic surgery, a man demands an operation that will realize his inner butterfly.
The Final Act of Joey Jumbler
Director of Photography
A party clown must fight to keep his smile on.
Hunting Pignut
Director of Photography
Bernice, a 15 year old misfit runs away from her rural Newfoundland community in search of Pignut, a tormented and violent gutter punk, after he steals her father's ashes right out of his urn.
Director of Photography
Chloe, a straight talking film director, tries to convince her friend Sam to be an actor in her next short film. Just after finding out that he once again didn’t get into medical school, Sam meets Alex, a hypochondriac 18 year old. A love triangle forms in these self-reflexive, humoristic fragments filled with sex talk , set in New Orleans.
Chloe, a straight talking film director, tries to convince her friend Sam to be an actor in her next short film. Just after finding out that he once again didn’t get into medical school, Sam meets Alex, a hypochondriac 18 year old. A love triangle forms in these self-reflexive, humoristic fragments filled with sex talk , set in New Orleans.
Chloe, a straight talking film director, tries to convince her friend Sam to be an actor in her next short film. Just after finding out that he once again didn’t get into medical school, Sam meets Alex, a hypochondriac 18 year old. A love triangle forms in these self-reflexive, humoristic fragments filled with sex talk , set in New Orleans.
Chloe, a straight talking film director, tries to convince her friend Sam to be an actor in her next short film. Just after finding out that he once again didn’t get into medical school, Sam meets Alex, a hypochondriac 18 year old. A love triangle forms in these self-reflexive, humoristic fragments filled with sex talk , set in New Orleans.
When Monsters Were Real
Director of Photography
It is said that long, long ago, the wild children were bestowed the gift of eternal youth. But one day, one of them started growing up and according to legend, grew so much he turned into a monster. Ravenous, he ate the smallest children and spread terror in his wake. Forced to seek protection, the village chief decided to banish the children who had become too tall before they had a chance to transform. The forest emu would come get them and escort them to the world of monsters, where they disappeared forever.
O Quarto Proibido
Director of Photography
Um submarino em perigo, um lenhador que aparece misteriosamente para a tripulação – não era ele que estava nas florestas escuras de Holstein-Schleswig resgatando a bela Margot das garras dos lobos vermelhos? Um neurocirurgião que perfura profundamente o cérebro de um paciente maníaco; um assassino que finge ser a vítima de suas próprias mortes; uma jovem traumatizada, em algum lugar entre Berlim e Bogotá; esqueletos sedutores, zeppelins colidindo, e um banho quente, que parece ser o princípio de tudo.
The Saver
Director of Photography
When teenaged Fern is orphaned in the middle of a harsh Montreal winter, she is determined to avoid her mother’s tragic fate, and take care of herself. With Youth Protection nipping at her heels, she lies about her name and age, to get a job as a janitor another as a cook. Juggling life and work and the discovery of the book, ‘50 Ways to become a Millionaire: All you need to do is save,’ Fern decides to do just that, replacing her grief with the quest to become a millionaire. Written, directed and edited by award-winning filmmaker Wiebke von Carolsfeld (Marion Bridge, Stay), The Saver stars the newly discovered Imajyn Cardinal and is based on the young adult novel by Edeet Ravel.
If I Was God
Director of Photography
While dissecting a frog in Biology class, a 12-year-old boy speculates about what he would do if he were God.
Director of Photography
Housewife and grandmother Roberta struggles to fit the conformist society she lives in and turns to amphetamines to cure her boredom.
Cúmplices de um Segredo
Director of Photography
As inseparáveis irmãs Beth (Georgie Henley) e Sandra (Abigail Breslin) são filhas da alcoólatra Linda (Mira Sorvino) e não aceitam bem a decisão da mãe de trazer seu abusivo novo namorado para morar com a família. Determinadas a agir, elas contam aos amigos que pretendem assassinar Linda.
Director of Photography
O filme retrata a história de Kate Ascher (Karine Vanasse), que após testemunhar o suicídio de sua irmã, sofre de stress pós-traumático e é desacreditada pelo marido, James Ascher (Cory Monteith) gerente de uma loja rival a Target e Wal-Mart e que tem um caso com Nicole Cambria (Emily Hampshire), outra funcionária do estabelecimento. Quando Simon Brunson (Kevin Zegers), um ex-bombeiro que se feriu durante o trabalho, é contratado no departamento, Kate começa a reavaliar o modo como lida com o trauma.
Director of Photography
A meek nine-year old girl struggles to find an object for her tenderness inside the confines of a hard-nosed home environment and post-industrial town.
When You Sleep
Director of Photography
Two unstable teens live together in a slum apartment. When, in a poetic move, rats start invading their home, they realize that they have to deal with an unspoken matter that is threatening to ruin their relationship.
Amores Imaginários
Director of Photography
Francis e Marie são amigos inseparáveis. No entanto, suas vidas mudam quando conhecem Nicolas, charmoso rapaz do interior que acaba de se mudar para Montreal. Um encontro se sucede ao outro - seriam eles imaginários? - e os três logo se tornam um grupo inseparável. Mas Francis e Marie, ambos apaixonados por Nicolas, desenvolvem fantasias obsessivas em torno de seu objeto de desejo comum. À medida que atravessam as típicas fases da paixão, embarcam numa verdadeira disputa pela atenção do rapaz, comprometendo sua antiga amizade.
Higglety Pigglety Pop! or There Must Be More to Life
Director of Photography
Jennie the terrier has everything a dog could ever wish for, but still feels that something is missing. She leaves home to discover what that is.
Eu Matei Minha Mãe
Director of Photography
Hubert Minel é um jovem impetuoso de 17 anos que não gosta nem um pouco de sua mãe. Ele despreza suas roupas bregas, o estilo kitsch e as migalhas de pão que sempre ficam no canto de sua boca. Além desses traços, a relação dos dois é pautada pela manipulação e a culpa. Confuso e dividido por uma relação de amor e ódio que o deixa cada dia mais obcecado, o garoto vive uma adolescência que é ao mesmo tempo típica e marginal, marcada por novas experiências artísticas, amizades, sexo e abandono.
Um Ato de Coragem
Camera Trainee
John Q. Archibald é um homem comum, que trabalha em uma fábrica e vive feliz com sua esposa Denise e seu filho Michael. Até que Michael fica gravemente doente, necessitando com urgência de um transplante de coração para sobreviver. Sem ter condições de pagar pela operação e com o plano de saúde de sua família não cobrindo tais gastos, John Q. se vê então numa luta contra o tempo pela sobrevivência de seu filho. Em uma atitude desesperada, ele então decide tomar como refém todo o setor de emergência de um hospital, passando a discutir uma solução para o caso com um negociador da polícia e com um impaciente chefe de polícia, que deseja encerrar o caso o mais rapidamente possível.
MTL Punk: La première vague
Director of Photography