In February, 2010, the renowned Chilean band Panico traveled through the desert of northern Chile to record an album in the Atacama desert. After two decades of punk and post-punk rock, these offspring of political exiles are themselves rocked by not only the strange sounds and voices of the north but by a major earthquake...
This portrait of the French film theorist and avant-garde director Jean Epstein (1897-1953) concentrates on the period when he filmed in Brittany, the spot where he became inspired by the sea. Using rare archive footage, Jean Epstein, Young Oceans of Cinema also looks at Epstein’s views on the specificity of the film medium.
This portrait of the French film theorist and avant-garde director Jean Epstein (1897-1953) concentrates on the period when he filmed in Brittany, the spot where he became inspired by the sea. Using rare archive footage, Jean Epstein, Young Oceans of Cinema also looks at Epstein’s views on the specificity of the film medium.
In a future present, a rebellious Veronique finds herself working for an inventor who has dedicated himself to the cause of a positive darkness; he is working to counter the tide of a bright, diffuse, and technologically oriented time as represented in the film by man-made light. Veronique's brother Alix works for an agency that is attempting to thwart the process.
In a future present, a rebellious Veronique finds herself working for an inventor who has dedicated himself to the cause of a positive darkness; he is working to counter the tide of a bright, diffuse, and technologically oriented time as represented in the film by man-made light. Veronique's brother Alix works for an agency that is attempting to thwart the process.