George Hickman


Out of Print
Associate Producer
A documentary exploring the importance of revival cinema and 35mm exhibition - seen through the lens of the patrons of the New Beverly Cinema - a unique and independent revival cinema in Los Angeles.
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
O musical gira em torno das travessuras de Mame Dennis, amante da diversão, rica excêntrica com muita abertura para a vida e um humor afiado como navalha. Sua vida é subitamente alterada quando ela se torna a guardiã da única filha de seu falecido irmão, Patrick Dennis. Suas aventuras nos levam desde os anos 20, até à depressão após o grande crash da Bolsa. Ela é resgatada por um rico fazendeiro do sul, casa-se e fica viúva de repente, e apesar de tudo isso, consegue manter as coisas sob controle. Com a ajuda de sua amiga mais querida, Vera Charles, ela ajuda a manter as coisas em 3 Beekman Place num empolgante aberto para todos.
Banzé no Oeste
Townsman (uncredited)
Rock Ridge é uma pequena cidade do oeste americano onde todos os seus moradores se chamam Johnson. A estrada de ferro está prestes a passar pelo local, o que faz com que Hedley Lamarr (Harvey Korman) aterrorize os moradores. Sua intenção é obter as terras da cidade, que serão bastante valorizadas após a conclusão das obras. Para controlar a situação, o governador William J. Lepetomane (Mel Brooks) contrata um novo xerife, Bart (Cleavon Little). Só que Bart é negro e passa a ser hostilizado pela população racista. Ele recebe apenas a ajuda de Jim (Gene Wilder), conhecido como The Waco Kid, o pistoleiro bêbado mais rápido da região.
Westworld - Onde Ninguém Tem Alma
Guest (uncredited)
Num resort futurista, visitantes ricos podem visitar recriações de diferentes períodos da história e realizar suas fantasias mais selvagens com androides super realistas. Mas quando Richard Benjamin opta pelo velho oeste, acaba recebendo mais do que esperava quando um androide pistoleiro enlouquece.
Ninho de Cobras
Church Member
Paris Pitman Jr. é um criminoso cheio de charme, o único de seu bando a sobreviver à caçada implacável ordenada por Lomax, um milionário homem de negócios de quem roubou 500 mil dólares. Pouco tempo depois de esconder o dinheiro, ele acaba sendo reconhecido por Lomax em um bordel e vai para a prisão. Seu plano de subornar o carcereiro para fugir vai por água abaixo quando ele é morto por um dos outros prisioneiros. Lopeman, o substituto, é um sujeito idealista disposto a acabar de uma vez por todas com a história de corrupção do lugar através de várias pequenas reformas. Cansado da cadeia, Pitman resolve se engajar nos planos de Lopeman certo de que com isso conseguirá afrouxar a vigilância sobre si enquanto espera a hora certa de escapar.
A Stranger in My Arms
Man (uncredited)
An Air Force pilot finds romance with his war buddy's widow.
The Female Animal
Observer at Lighting Accident (uncredited)
Jaded movie star Vanessa Windsor, saved from a studio accident by handsome extra Chris Farley, pursues him, and soon he's the 'caretaker' of her beach house. Vanessa's sexy, alcoholic adult daughter Penny accidentally meets Chris, who rescues her from an 'octopus' boyfriend. Before you know it, Chris is involved with both mother and daughter, and his only way out is to take a job in a Mexican picture about man-eating orchids...
A Volta ao Mundo em Oitenta Dias
Extra (uncredited)
Em 1872, o nobre inglês Phileas Fogg (David Niven) aposta vinte mil libras com seus colegas do Clube Reformatório de Londres de que ele consegue dar a volta no planeta em exatamente oitenta dias. Ao lado do engenhoso Valet Passepartout (Mario Moreno), ele busca cumprir o seu objetivo com aventuras em todos os continentes, acaba conhecendo e se encantando pela bela viúva Aouda (Shirley MacLaine), ao mesmo tempo que, em uma conspiração, é acusado de ter roubado o dinheiro que investiu na aposta.
Kilroy Was Here
Jack - Cab Driver
"Kilroy Was Here" was a popular expression during World War II, but it's not much fun to John J. Kilroy, who has to try to live with all the jokes and wisecracks regarding his name.
The Unfaithful
Newsboy in Montage
Christine Hunter kills an intruder and tells her husband and lawyer that it was an act of self-defense. It's later revealed that he was actually her lover and she had posed for an incriminating statue he created.
Vingança Frustrada
Elevator Boy (uncredited)
Blackie rastreia um prisioneiro injustamente condenado que escapa durante um show de mágica de Natal.
Quem Matou Vicki?
Newsboy (uncredited)
A young promoter is accused of the murder of Vicky Lynn, a young actress he "discovered" as a waitress while out with ex-actor Robin Ray and gossip columnist Larry Evans.
Three Girls About Town
Faith and Hope Banner, sisters, are "convention hostesses" in a hotel. A body is discovered next door as the magician's convention is leaving and the mortician's convention is arriving, and the sisters, with help from manager Wilburforce Puddle, try to hide it. Complicating matters, Hope's boyfriend, Tommy, is a newspaper reporter in the hotel covering some labor negotiations.
O Lobo Se Arrisca
A reformed jewel thief fights to clear his name when he's framed for murder.
Buck Benny Rides Again
Page Boy
Radio star Jack Benny, intending to stay in New York for the summer, is forced by the needling of rival Fred Allen to prove his boasts about roughing it on his (fictitious) Nevada ranch. Meanwhile, singer Joan Cameron, whom Jack's fallen for and offended, is maneuvered by her sisters to the same Nevada town. Jack's losing battle to prove his manhood to Joan means broad slapstick burlesque of Western cliches.
A Comédia de um Crime
Elevator Boy #1
The zany plot follows nitwit Gracie Allen trying to help master sleuth Philo Vance solve a murder.
Say It in French
An American golf pro falls in love with a woman while visiting France; before long they are married and in the US. Upon their arrival, they are dismayed to discover that the golfer's parents have arranged for him to marry a wealthy socialite so they can use her money to support their business....
Boy Meets Girl
Office Boy
Two lazy screenwriters need a story for the studio's cowboy star. A studio waitress turns out to be pregnant. This gives them the idea for a movie about a cowboy and a baby. The waitress's baby becomes the star. The cowboy and his agent run off with the waitress and her valuable asset. The writers retaliate by hiring an unemployed extra to impersonate the baby's father. But the extra already knows the waitress...
Cowboy de Asfalto
A singing cowboy turns out to be a tenderfoot.
The Patient in Room 18
Newsboy #2 (uncredited)
Choreographer Bob Connolly and prolific screenwriter Crane Wilbur teamed up on the direction of Warner Bros.' The Patient in Room 18. Patric Knowles delivers a delightfully comic performance as Lance, an outwardly normal young man obsessed with detective stories. When his obsession threatens to lapse over into lunacy, Lance is sent to the hospital for a nice long rest. It isn't long before he gets mixed up in a genuine murder mystery, using his second-hand knowhow to solve the case. Up-and-coming Ann Sheridan is quite amusing as Lance's nurse and confidante, while the murderer is played by a fellow who is usually cast as the murder victim.
I'll Take Romance
Page Boy
Theater manager James Guthrie's (Melvyn Douglas) career depends on famed soprano Elsa Terry (Grace Moore) singing in his Buenos Aires opera house, however, Elsa breaks the contract in favor of a more lucrative deal in Paris. Desperate, James begins showering her with flowers and candy in an attempt to woo her to the Argentinian opera house. When Elsa overhears James confess to his friend Pancho that he'd be willing to resort to kidnapping to get Elsa to Argentina, she mistakenly believes his motives to be solely romantic.
The Singing Kid
Newsboy (uncredited)
Neurotic Broadway star Al Jackson faces professional ruin when he loses his voice. While recuperating in the country, he falls in love with farm girl Ruth Haines, the pretty aunt of precocious little Sybil Haines.