Alejandro Cano

Alejandro Cano


Alejandro Cano


The Small Hours
In Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, tradition, memory and folklore, walk the streets on the shoulders of a people who proudly displays a legacy rooted in their culture for centuries.
Año cero
"Año cero" is about the well-educated, well-to-do middle-class man, Miguel who loses his job. Now he finds himself without direction, credentials or long-term relationships.
La línea recta
Fali (Oscar Jaenada) has been blessed with an ample gift below the belt. But his extra-large asset ends up getting him into trouble when he agrees to help his friend (Antonio Dechent) get rid of his annoying lover and save his marriage. Fali's romantic entanglements are all the more hilarious considering the only reason he's doing it is so he can get the dream car he's always wanted: a brand-new BMW.
I Couldn't Care Less
This European take on twenty-something woe introduces viewers to Jorge, a self-help author suffering from writer's block who thinks he may be gay. Living with Jorge is Marta, a bisexual who wants to have a baby. Included in their circle are Eva, Jorge's ex, and Alberto, a gay man Jorge meets at a New Age healing session presided over by Ines. A number of encounters ensue, Marta moves in with the piggish Mario, and Jorge decides to write a book based on his own experiences.