Mart Taniel

Mart Taniel

Nascimento : 1976-08-11,


Mart Taniel (born 11 August 1976 in Tallinn) is an Estonian film director, cinematographer and film operator. 2000-2005 he studied at Tallinn University in operator speciality.


Mart Taniel
Mart Taniel


O Capitão Soviético
O Capitão Fyodor Volkonogov, um respeitado agente da URSS, descobre que está sendo alvo de uma conspiração política e foge, sendo perseguido por seus ex-colegas. Vulnerável e sem esperança, Fyodor recebe uma mensagem do inferno: após a morte, ele será condenado a tormentos eternos. A única maneira de evitar isso é se arrepender e encontrar pelo menos uma pessoa que lhe conceda o perdão. Mas o tempo de Fyodor está se esgotando...
O Capitão Soviético
Director of Photography
O Capitão Fyodor Volkonogov, um respeitado agente da URSS, descobre que está sendo alvo de uma conspiração política e foge, sendo perseguido por seus ex-colegas. Vulnerável e sem esperança, Fyodor recebe uma mensagem do inferno: após a morte, ele será condenado a tormentos eternos. A única maneira de evitar isso é se arrepender e encontrar pelo menos uma pessoa que lhe conceda o perdão. Mas o tempo de Fyodor está se esgotando...
The Diary of Vaino Vahing
Director of Photography
When love is the greatest torment, will art or play save you? A dramatic documentary about author Vaino Vahing.
A Resistência de Inga
Director of Photography
Em uma pequena cidade rural da Islândia, Inga ganha a vida produzindo laticínios em sua fazenda. Ela decide se rebelar contra uma poderosa cooperativa local, que é corrupta e monopoliza o mercado, e, para isso, tenta convencer os outros fazendeiros a se unirem a ela nessa empreitada, mas encontra grande resistência. Inga, então, precisa achar sozinha os meios de se ver livre da empresa e viver a vida da sua própria maneira.
The Man Who Surprised Everyone
Egor Korshunov (40) is a Siberian forest guard who works in a local environmental company, fighting fearlessly against poachers in taiga. Egor is a great family man, respected by his fellow villagers. He and his wife Natalia are expecting a second child. Unexpectedly, Egor finds out that he has terminal cancer and has only two months left to live. No traditional medicine or shamanic magic can save Egor. Finally, left with no other options, he decides to take the last desperate step. He attempts to completely change his identity in order to fool the oncoming death, just like Zhamba the drake, the hero of a legendary ancient Siberian epos, did.
The Riddle of Jaan Niemand
Director of Photography
After ten years of war, plague and famine, the land is swept clean of people. The few remaining souls are scattered about, living in misery and lacking hope. An anxious silence hangs over the land. On one particularly starry night, two peasants find a stranger on the seashore.
Director of Photography
November é um filme de drama estoniano de 2017 dirigido e escrito por Rainer Sarnet. Foi selecionado como representante de seu país ao Oscar de melhor filme estrangeiro em 2018
Out of Fashion
A documentary following an Estonian fashion designer Reet Aus on a global tour to explore the origin process and the environmental footprints of today's fast paced fashion industry. On the road the mission takes an unexpected turn towards trying to introduce her "upcycling" inspired product line to some of the major fashion retailers to increase awareness of the massive resource waste built into the current product lifecycle.
Rodchenko's Ladder
Director of Photography
This is the story that could be behind the famous photo of Alexander Rodchenko "Stairs". Moscow, 1929. The end of the era of constructivism in the USSR. A young woman comes to visit a middle-aged woman to resolve their complicated relationship.
Director of Photography
O filme mostra os últimos anos da II Guerra Mundial na Estônia, na fronteira que separa a Europa da Rússia. Soldados estonianos estão divididos, alguns lutando para o Exército Vermelho e outros ainda leais à Waffen SS.
Landscape with Many Moons
“Landscape with Many Moons“ is a drama about a middle-aged man who lives a seemingly ordinary life with his wife and children. The truth is, however, that their relationship has reached a dead end but they prefer the illusory decorations of living together to the free fall into emptiness. The man gallivants around between his previous and current relationships without knowing exactly what to do with them. Living on the edge starts to overburden his nervous system and as a result, actual reality and dream-like reality blend together and it becomes ever harder to distinguish between what is real and what is not.
Free Range
Director of Photography
After being fired from his job at a newspaper for writing a destructive review of a celebrated movie, Fred, an aspiring writer, learns that his girlfriend is pregnant.
Intimate Parts
Director of Photography
Residents of a big city, each of whom has their own sexual problems and desires, secret and, most often, shameful from the point of view of society, need to solve them. Each of the characters tries to solve their problems in their own way: someone sublimates them, someone turns to a psychotherapist for help, someone rushes into experiments... but sooner or later they all return to where they started, and they have to overcome themselves again and again to get at least a little, even a millimeter closer to their happiness.
60 Seconds of Solitude in Year Zero
An anthology of one-minute films created by 60 international filmmakers on the theme of the death of cinema. Intended as an ode to 35mm, the film was screened one time only on a purpose-built 20x12 meter public cinema screen in the Port of Tallinn, Estonia, on 22 December 2011. A special projector was constructed for the event which allowed the actual filmstrip to be burnt at the same time as the film was shown.
The Idiot
Director of Photography
A story of a naive man, whose direct behavior stirs in people moral unrest, rage and embarrassment over their own pettiness, making them yearn for goodness. Based on the book by F. Dostojevski.
The Temptation of St. Tony
Director of Photography
A mid-level manager who develops an aversion to being a good person questions his morality as he faces the challenges of middle age and loses control of his life.
Nazis and Blondes
Director of Photography
Veteran actors from the 3 Baltic countries - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - gather at a castle in Latvia to receive awards for their roles as Nazi villains in propagandist Soviet war films. They reminisce about the films that made them famous throughout the USSR, but also stigmatized the Baltic countries as Nazi sympathizers in the eyes of many Russians - a misconception that is nowadays exploited by the Russian media, desperate to label the Baltic countries as a fascist haven.
Autumn Ball
Guitarist at the Restaurant
Autumn in Estonia, where six people live, six solitudes, prisoners of the monotonous architecture of Soviet-era concrete buildings, in search of human companionship, of love, of a ray of light in an ocean of gray.
Autumn Ball
Director of Photography
Autumn in Estonia, where six people live, six solitudes, prisoners of the monotonous architecture of Soviet-era concrete buildings, in search of human companionship, of love, of a ray of light in an ocean of gray.
Director of Photography
186 Kilometers
Director of Photography
The well-known but out-of-luck actor Jan Uuspõld sets out to hitchhike from Tallinn through Estonia to Tartu.
A young intellectual, Mati, engineers himself into a situation where he has to spend a weekend with his wife Helina and her lover Eduard. The trio goes to Eduard's summer house, surrounded by the majestic scenery of big forests and an empty beach. Mati, either out of jealousy or pride, has decided to win back his wife and will do anything his introverted and inert mind can come up with.
A young intellectual, Mati, engineers himself into a situation where he has to spend a weekend with his wife Helina and her lover Eduard. The trio goes to Eduard's summer house, surrounded by the majestic scenery of big forests and an empty beach. Mati, either out of jealousy or pride, has decided to win back his wife and will do anything his introverted and inert mind can come up with.
Director of Photography
In a world in which no one speaks, a devout female-led community hunts down a young woman, Azrael, who has escaped her imprisonment. Recaptured by its ruthless leaders, Azrael is due to be sacrificed to pacify an ancient evil deep within the surrounding wilderness – but she has other ideas.
The Invisible Fight
Director of Photography
A guard on the Soviet-Chinese border who, after surviving a deadly attack, decides to become a monk but must continually prove along the way that he's capable of becoming the enlightened man he set out to be.