Brendan Smith


The Man Who Lost Himself
Set Decoration
The life story of Terry Evanshen, a Canadian Football League star who fell into a coma after a fatal car accident. When he wakes up, he has no recollection of his family or anything else in his life.
Profoundly Normal
Set Decoration
Donna Lee Shelby, a mentally challenged girl who lives in Forest Haven, an institution for the developmentally disabled, meets Ricardo Thornton, a fellow resident. When Forest Haven is closed by a court order, Donna and Ricardo venture into the real world on their own.
Charms for the Easy Life
Production Design
The story of three women who live in a North Carolina town and defy the traditional roles set forth for them by society.
The Fraternity
Set Decoration
Some students at Runcie prep school form an elite club. The group is implicated in a cheating scandal and one of the club members dies mysteriously. Another member decides to try and discover the dangerous truth about Runcie.
The Thin Blue Lie
Art Direction
Philadelphia, 1976. The city of Brotherly Love is waging a successful war against crime led by its tough-talking mayor, Frank Rizzo. But a maverick investigative reporter, Jonathan Neumann, has heard some troubling rumors: stories of innocent people victimized by a "goon squad" of law enforcement officers.
A Paixão de Ayn Rand
Set Decoration
Author Ayn Rand becomes involved with a much younger and married man, to the dismay of those close to her.
Earthquake in New York
Set Decoration
A cop is after a nasty serial killer. Cop's wife and kids are somewhere in the city too. Then a disastrous earthquake hits the city.
The Wall
Set Decoration
The story of three items left at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall: a pencil holder, a sheriff's badge, and an electric guitar. Each item connects the living with the dead and are left as either memorials or to heal the wounds of war.
The Haunting of Lisa
Set Decoration
A precocious youngster's visions of a mysterious woman and a series of child murders leads her mom to seek help from the authorities.
As Tartarugas Ninja
Set Decoration
Depois de ser atacada por trombadinhas, a repórter April O'Neil é salva por tartarugas mutantes, que passaram a se dedicar a combater o crime desde que foram contaminadas por uma substância radioativa nos esgotos de Nova York e se tornarem guerreiros após serem treinados pelo mestre Splinter. Aliadas a Casey Jones, elas combatem a organização Foot, que lança uma onda de crimes na cidade sob o comando do perigoso Demolidor.
Baile de Formatura III
Set Decoration
O jovem Alex, desprezado na escola e ridicularizado pelos colegas, desperta o fantasma de Mary Lou Malone, uma jovem morta pelo namorado no baile de formatura, nos anos 50. Apaixonada pelo rapaz, Mary Lou resolve ajudá-lo, transformando-o no estudante mais popular do colégio, ao mesmo tempo em que mata violentamente seus desafetos. Quando Alex recusa o amor de Mary Lou, ela transforma sua vida em um inferno.
Momentos Decisivos
Set Decoration
Norman Dale (Gene Hackman) é um técnico oprimido que ganha uma última chance em um time pequeno. Mal recebido de início, a paixão inabalável de Dale pelo jogo conquista o time enquanto ele tenta levá-los rumo ao topo.