Musician admired by musicians, prominent cultural personality and one of the most important Argentine rockers ... but who knows Daniel Melero? A fascinating documentary about a versatile artist away from the noise of fame, the vanity of success and mass acceptance.
From Stirner's anarchist philosophy to self-published fanzines; from participating in the Resistance Marches of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo back in the Eighties to protesting the opening of McDonald's first Argentine restaurant; from meetings with anarchists at the Jose Ingenieros Library to the scene at Luis Alacran's park stand; and from the notion of a cooperative association to the very first community festivals, this oral history of the argentinian punk movement continues its lucid and choral vision of resistance and the margins.
For many years, Buenos Aires, Argentina, was one of the best places in the world for a film buff; but from the mid-sixties onwards, successive authoritarian governments shaped the will of the spectators, dictating what could be seen and what could not, so that the true cinema lovers, in their desire to watch films, had no choice but to embark on the most extraordinary and strange adventures.
O policial Chávez, fica encarregado da investigação de um homicídio na alta sociedade de Buenos Aires. Na cena do crime, ele conhece o agente Gómez, conhecido por seu pseudónimo Ganso, um policial novato e atraente, que se torna sua mão direita, e é usado como isca para capturar o assassino.
Daniel Melero
Original Music Composer
A unfulfilled man tries to find something to ling to, traveling from town to town, in one of them he'll find enough reason to stay.