Brandon deSpain

Brandon deSpain


Brandon deSpain


A rookie scientist at a stem cell research institute witnesses abnormal activity from a mouse which has been administered a developing drug at the laboratory. The mouse has become extremely ferocious and injures him by biting him in the hand. Although the mouse is destroyed and discarded according to the supervisor’s orders, he feels something is wrong when the supervisor and his colleagues dismiss the incident and stubbornly refuse to investigate the cause of the abnormal behaviour. Although he raises concern about the safety of the product to human bodies, the supervisor keeps denying it while claiming that there’s no defect in their research, whose goal is to create human happiness. It’s clear there’s a hidden agenda with dire consequences for him and humanity.
When a psychatrist is informed that his most dangerous patient has gone missing in the middle of the night, he fails to heed his own advice.
After misbehaving all night at a Christmas celebration, young Hans hears the story of Krampus, the legendary demon known to punish children when they've been naughty. Little does he know what awaits him when the lights go out.
The Closer
A tale of friendship and betrayal between 3 friends set against the backdrop of Brooklyn real estate market during the biggest boom and bust of the subprime meltdown
Frankenstein vs A Múmia
The Mummy
Dois monstros - um criado pelo dr. Victor Frankenstein e um pelo egiptólogo Khalil Naihla - se encontram em um embate histórico e mortal que talvez só seus criadores sejam capazes de interromper.
The Lost Girls
Unknown to most of their prey, the Lost Girls are far from human. When their leader Gracie begins dying, that balance is thrown into jeopardy and the Lost Girls must stop an erupting vampire revolution, race to find a cure and conquer their own personal demons before it is too late.
O Dia da Múmia
Neferu, the Mummy
Na esperança de botar as mãos em um famoso diamante conhecido como a Pedra Codix, o fanfarrão Jack Wells junta-se a um grupo de arqueólogos para explorar uma tumba recentemente descoberta no Egito, a tumba do amaldiçoado rei Neferu. Quando de repente a múmia do rei retorna dos mortos, Jack irá enfrentar a experiência mais aterrorizante de sua vida.
O Dia da Múmia
Na esperança de botar as mãos em um famoso diamante conhecido como a Pedra Codix, o fanfarrão Jack Wells junta-se a um grupo de arqueólogos para explorar uma tumba recentemente descoberta no Egito, a tumba do amaldiçoado rei Neferu. Quando de repente a múmia do rei retorna dos mortos, Jack irá enfrentar a experiência mais aterrorizante de sua vida.
O Assassino das Sombras
Uma equipe de documentário investiga uma série de assassinatos brutais conhecidos como os assassinatos de Água Negra. Eles se deparam com um segredo horrível, que pode custar suas vidas.
A man is haunted by his previous life.
The Pale of Settlement
Moische's Father
The Pale of Settlement, based on true events, tells the story of a 10 year old Jewish boy, Moische, who escapes forced conscription into the Russian Army during the Crimean War.
All Hallows' Eve
Enquanto cuida de duas crianças na noite de Halloween, uma babá encontra uma antiga fita VHS no saco de doces das crianças. A fita apresenta três contos de terror, todos ligados entre si por um palhaço assassino. Ao longo da noite, coisas estranhas começam a acontecer na casa e a presença do palhaço parece cada vez mais real.
My Life as Abraham Lincoln
In this dark, surreal comedy, Cindy Rossberg has apparently killed her fiance on her wedding day. Her psychiatrist encourages her to move forward with her life. However, as she attempts to do so she finds reality too difficult to contend with as she is bound to the events of the past. As she tries to sort things out for herself, Cindy spirals into a wacky world of bizarre situations that become increasingly influenced by a murder mystery she is writing. In the end, Cindy discovers that she must act as her own emancipator in order to free herself from the role she thinks she is expected to play.
The Cornstarch Gizmo
An idealistic young inventor tries to heal the world with cornstarch.