Robert D. Ballard

Robert D. Ballard

Nascimento : 1942-06-30, Wichita, Kansas, USA


Dr. Robert Duane Ballard is a retired United States Navy officer and a professor of oceanography at the University of Rhode Island who is most noted for his work in underwater archaeology: maritime archaeology and archaeology of shipwrecks.


Robert D. Ballard


Titanic: 25 Anos Depois com James Cameron
The Academy Award-winning director and National Geographic Explorer-at-Large James Cameron adds a postscript to his fictional retelling of the tragedy. After hearing fans continue to insist Jack didn’t have to die that night, he mounts tests to see, once and for all, whether both Jack and Rose could have fit on that raft and survived.
Descobertas de Bob Ballard
Self - Explorer
Ele encontrou o Titanic, o Bismarck e dezenas de outros naufrágios perdidos como o Lusitânia e o PT-109 de JFK. Ele ajudou a testar a teoria das placas tectônicas, descobriu novas formas de vida em fontes hidrotermais e foi pioneiro no uso de submersíveis de mergulho profundo e veículos remotos para exploração subaquática
Expedição Amelia: A Busca Pelo Corpo
Uma expedição científica busca solucionar o mistério do desaparecimento de Amelia Earhart e encerrar décadas de especulações sobre o que realmente aconteceu a ela. O arqueólogo Fredrik Hiebert liderará uma equipe para procurar sinais de Earhart em terra, seguindo pistas que podem levar à localização de seus ossos. O filme investiga a própria Amélia Earhart e como ela se tornou uma das figuras mais intrigantes e inspiradoras da história.
Titanic Tesouros Resgatados
Desde que o Dr. Robert Ballard, da National Geographic Explorer, descobriu os destroços do RMS Titanic em 1985, o navio dos sonhos deixou um rastro de especulações e intrigas. Agora, ele é objeto de um cabo de guerra internacional sobre o destino de uma enorme coleção de artefatos que pertencem aos passageiros perdidos com o navio. O futuro do próprio Titanic e o tesouro de artefatos ainda intocados dentro de seu casco são agora incertos também.
Titanic: 20 Anos Depois
James Cameron lançou o filme Titanic 20 anos atrás prometendo uma história viva , dizendo que ele devia a verdade àquelas almas perdidas em 1912. Agora, neste especial de 1 hora, Cameron junta especialistas para reabrir o arquivo do caso, perguntando Nós acertamos? Com 33 mergulhos nos escombros do navio e anos de analise forense, ele explora os mitos e mistérios do Titanic, testando o desastre, na esperança de responder perguntas que o perseguiram por anos.
Titanic: O Legado
Himself (as Bob Ballard)
Cem anos após o navio ter afundado em sua viagem inaugural, a embarcação está em perigo. Dr. Robert Ballard, guia da expedição que encontrou o Titanic anteriormente, faz uma jornada pessoal para salvar sua maior descoberta.
Desvendando os Segredos de Galípoli
Dr. Robert Ballard apresenta uma nova perspectiva da histórica batalha de Galípoli, em uma comovente jornada sob as ondas.
Sea Spies
The underseaa world is an unseen battleground. Join Dr. Robert Ballard, former naval intelligence officer and discoverer of the RMS Titanic, as he reveals how the race for global domination as eon from the deapest reaches of the ocean. Using rare archival footage and fully animated recreations, this fascinating documentary examines the technology behind Cold War nuclear subs along with other recently declassified defense systems, such as SOSUS, the U.S. Navy's top-secret sound survelliance network. Sea Spies also looks at the key historical developments that influenced twentieth century warfare and features interviews with marine experts as well as high-ranking military officials.
Titanic: 90 Years Below
Deep on the ocean's floor, one landmark continues to fascinate above all the rest, It's tragic tale has been told many times. But there is another story... an ongoing technological drama... a high-tech adventure to discover and explore the mysteries of th RMS Titanic. This is that story... a quest marked by failure, success, classified operations, and moral uncertainty. 90 years after the loss of over 1500 souls, the story continues to this day.
Lost Liners
Dr. Bob Ballard explores the histories and the final resting places of famous 20th-century passenger liners, including the Titanic, the Lusitania, and the Empress of Ireland.
Titanic: The Complete Story
The "unsinkable" Titanic was a dream come true: four city blocks long and a passenger list worth 250 million dollars. But on her maiden voyage in April 1912, that dream became a nightmare when the giant ship struck an iceberg and sunk in the cold North Atlantic. More than 1,500 lives were lost in one of the greatest disasters of the 20th century. Now, using newsreels, stills, diaries, and exclusive interviews with survivors, Titanic: The Complete Story recounts the sensational history of the premier liner. In Part I: Death of a Dream, the largest ship ever built is christened in Ireland before a cheering crowd of 100,000. Witness the disaster this trek becomes as numerous iceberg warnings go unheeded and the ship sinks in the icy North Atlantic. In Part II: The Legend Lives On, over-packed lifeboats edge away from the crippled liner as a futile SOS signals flare into the night--leaving 1,500 passengers to a watery grave.
Secrets of the Titanic
Dr. Robert Ballard of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and his research team become the first undersea explorers to locate, photograph, and explore the wreckage of the ill-fated HMS Titanic, which sank on its maiden voyage 2 1/2 mile deep in the icy waters of the Atlantic in 1912, taking 1500 passengers and crew with it to a watery grave. Utilizing dazzling state-of-the art equipment and cutting edge expertise they record the decaying remains of the ocean liner once thought "unsinkable."
Secrets of the Titanic
Dr. Robert Ballard of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and his research team become the first undersea explorers to locate, photograph, and explore the wreckage of the ill-fated HMS Titanic, which sank on its maiden voyage 2 1/2 mile deep in the icy waters of the Atlantic in 1912, taking 1500 passengers and crew with it to a watery grave. Utilizing dazzling state-of-the art equipment and cutting edge expertise they record the decaying remains of the ocean liner once thought "unsinkable."