Nick Case


And Then I Go
Executive Producer
Two teenage outsiders are demoralized daily at school, until an idea for vengeance offers them a terrifying release.
No ano de 1974, Christine Chubbuck (Rebecca Hall), ambiciosa e talentosa repórter de uma emissora local de televisão, entra em crise por frustrações profissionais e amorosas e toma uma decisão que os telespectadores em Sarasota, Flórida, jamais esquecerão. Baseado em fatos reais.
Open Five
A blend of reality and fiction, "Open Five" follows the story of Jake, a struggling musician and his sidekick, Kentucker, a maker of "poor" films and what happens when two girls (Lucy and Rose) venture down to Memphis for a long weekend.
Holy Land
Executive Producer
Cole goes on a trip to work on a novel. Then he comes back.