André Almurò

Nascimento : , Paris, France


André Almuro is simultaneously a composer, musician, radio producer, performer, teacher and filmmaker. From his early childhood in the music world, he began his first sound research in 1947 at the Club d'Essai of the Radiodiffusion française (RDF), where he became producer in 1950 (he adapted texts from Jean Cocteau, Pablo Picasso, Eugène Ionesco , Jean Genet, Gracq, Jules Supervielle...) then joined in 1958 the Groupe de Recherches Musicales of l'ORTF. On that time he met Pierre Clementi, at the age of fifteen years, with whom he developed several collaborations. He founded his own recording studio in the 1960s in which he produced artists such as Colette Magny. In a parallel basis, he created a large number of pieces for magnetic tapes and electronic operas in which he seeks a "ceremonial atmosphere of magic and incantation, with or without the support of a text." (Dictionary of Music, Larousse). He began teaching at the Sorbonne in 1973 alongside with Dominique Noguez and Michel Journiac, where he founded three years later, with his students, the group Son-Image-Corps where were born more than thirty shows for which he composed music. In 1978 he directed his first film, Cortège, shot in Super 8mm, and made more than thirty other until his death.


In association with Jean-Luc Guionnet. Film paradoxal: optique / haptique, finished / work in progress, inside / outside, falsified ‘ showing ‘ itself as draft, etc... Two male bodies melting / separating. Multi-electroacoustic musics. Modifiable / modify Duration.
In association with Jean-Luc Guionnet. Film ‘haptique’ with electroacoustic music, on two male bodies in tension and brightness alternated, accused by technical manipulations and study of the light.
In association with Jean-Luc Guionnet. Film of the double interiority (place and energies in presence), by two male bodies creating a lyric macrocosm of images treated directly live, with electroacoustic music haptique.
In association with Jean-Luc Guionnet. Internal experience of two bodies, a male hand-to-hand fight, at the same time unconditional confrontation and complicity. Shot in interieurs, with electroacoustic haptique music.
In association with Denis Le Rue. Film haptique / epic, with two male bodies, shot outdoors. Electroacoustic music. Sensual symphony of ecstatic images.
In association with Yves Pelissier Inserts: P.Coeuru and P.Clémenti. Assembly of shots on body and pre-existent images, on the notion of male doubles. Electroacoustic music.
Le troisième oeil
In association with Jean-Luc Guionnet (image/sound). Film haptique», shot in outdoors locations with electroacoustic music. Two male bodies being a unique eye, witness and anamorphique, in a sort of a sexual whirlwind.
Le troisième oeil
In association with Jean-Luc Guionnet (image/sound). Film haptique», shot in outdoors locations with electroacoustic music. Two male bodies being a unique eye, witness and anamorphique, in a sort of a sexual whirlwind.
Le lever des corps
In association with Jean-Luc Guionnet (image/sound). Ceremonial «haptique of two male bodies, shot in interieurs, with electroacoustic music.
In association with Jean-Luc Guionnet (image/sound). First film passing from the action, to the lived (experience); and from the optics, in to the haptique. Two male bodies celebrating pleasure / desire with natural elements, without synopsis. With daily shooting during two months and equivalent editing. Electroacoustic and instrumental music.
Male duet, essentially sexual, treated as cosa mental by repetitive, division of the image, unframed, etc. Shot in interiors, with electroacoustic music.
Point vélique
Body Male solo of actions, shot in outdoors, with electroacoustic music. Nudity and light become substance, in the same way as sky, water and minerals.
Le corps perdu
Short film from André Almuro
(Body dialog - architecture - nature - elements)
(Body dialog - architecture - nature - elements)
A summer landscape in the south of France. Eleven boys seek pleasure through performing pagan rituals.
First film (of around thirty until this day) with électro-acoustic music. Dreamlike edition of male physical actions, executed according to synopsis established in common by four ‘actants’. Shot in outside, without story or words. The domain of the homosexual desire and pleasure is put in images of nature where materials become the ‘environment’. Films can be thrown only in the presence of the author, consult us on the conditions.