Andre Darnell Myers

Andre Darnell Myers


Andre Darnell Myers was born in Washington, DC, where he honed his acting, singing, and dancing skills at the prestigious Duke Ellington School of the Arts. This training prepared him for a future in the entertainment industry, and he began working professionally at the age of 15, performing in New York City and traveling across the country performing in Broadway musicals. Andre attended the University of the Musical Theatre Arts, where he furthered his training and love of acting, singing and dancing. Now living and working in Los Angeles, Andre can be seen daily in projects ranging from Television and Film to print and commercials. Andre is also a singer/songwriter: (Prince ADM), where he writes for himself and other recording artists. Andre also owns and designs for Nine Menswear Clothing Company.


Andre Darnell Myers


As I Am
A story of a young man running from the truth about his childhood returns in order to correct his past but ends up discovering a side of himself that he suppressed.
The Toy Soldiers
On one evening in a decade of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll, the innocence of youth and family unravels. Five parallel coming-of-age stories dramatize the stages of grief. A youthful mother in a custody battle over her children, finds tranquility with the bottle. The abuse of her ex-husband still haunts the children; a nineteen year old drug addict, and his younger brother, a bullied closet homosexual.There's the story of the dog; a teen who offers sexual favors to gain acceptance, the challenged classmate who would do anything for her love, and the redhead beauty, haunted by a secret, tragic past. These lives and others will change forever on this final evening before their hangout, The Toy Soldiers Roller Rink, closes its doors for the final time.
Saindo do chão
Nosso herói afro-americano, Brad é intimidado por sua mãe disfuncional; ele foge de casa e, por acaso, desce pela toca do coelho na cena do baile de Los Angeles, onde encontra uma nova família esfarrapada. Com música do diretor musical de Beyonce, Kim Burse, roteiro e letra de Glenn Gaylord, coreografia do mestre de dança de Beyonce, Frank Gatson Jr. e visuais e direção de Sheldon Larry, o filme é uma ode ao funk selvagem e comovente vida deste incrível underground. Escrito por Sheldon Larry
Borat - O Segundo Melhor Repórter do Glorioso País Cazaquistão Viaja à América
Pride Dancer (uncredited)
Um famoso repórter do Cazaquistão viaja aos Estados Unidos para fazer um documentário sobre os hábitos dos cidadãos norte-americanos, provocando situações absurdas por onde passa.