Guido Götzen


A Viúva Alegre
O governo de Pontevedrino teme que uma rica viúva gaste sua fortuna em Paris ou caia nas mãos de um usurpador, o que provocaria a falência do principado. Para que o dinheiro permaneça no país, é preciso que um pontevedriano seduza e se case com ela. Trata-se da tarefa perfeita para o charmoso conde Danilo, que conhece todos os truques para conquistar as mulheres.
Pelléas et Mélisande
un médecin / un berger
Claude Debussy's fairy tale-based opera Pelléas et Mélisande is by now well known; at once a tale of doomed love and a meditation on the cycle of creation and destruction (adapted from Maurice Maeterlinck's 1893 symbolist play), it originally premiered in 1902 to mixed critical reception, but has since become a staple of the operatic repertory and one of the most popular works from Debussy's canon. This particular production emerged from the Opernhaus Zürich in 2004. It stars Rodney Gilfry as Pelléas, Isabel Rey as Mélisande and Michael Volle as Golaud. Franz Welser-Möst conducts the Zurich Opera Orchestra; Sven-Eric Bectholf directs for the stage.
Berg: Lulu
Since its premiere on 2 June 1937 in Zurich, Alban Berg's second opera "Lulu" has the reputation of being surrounded by scandals. On the one hand, this is due to the dubious character of the subject, the man-eating femme fatale, which Berg had taken from Frank Wedekind's two Lulu tragedies – "The Earth Spirit" and "Pandora's Box" – and combined into one opera libretto. On the other hand, Berg's window had (for personal reasons) repeatedly refused to have the opera completed, which was unfinished when Berg died. This video is of the unfinished two-act torso of "Lulu."
Die Zauberflöte
Two Armoured Men
Live production of the Mozart opera Die Zauberflöte.