Danny Chang


Coconut o pequeno dragão
Coconut é um dragão que não pode voar. Com seus amigos, Oscar, um dragão vegetariano por opção, e Matilda, uma porco-espinho que nada teme, vivem uma grande aventura enquanto cumprem uma difícil missão.
Moonbeam Bear and His Friends
The Moonbear and his friends experience funny and exciting adventures in their forest.
High Stakes
A girl named Lydia gives shelter to a young boy who has probably met with an accident. She takes him home for help. However, things change for Lydia as the boy murders her father. Shocked and grief-stricken she runs to the local church.
Small Mountain
Not expecting his son back today, Emil is brought to face his past, his family, his community, after he finds himself stuck upon the small mountain. This will be a day to remember.
Small Mountain
Not expecting his son back today, Emil is brought to face his past, his family, his community, after he finds himself stuck upon the small mountain. This will be a day to remember.
Felix, o Coelho de Brinquedo e a Máquina do Tempo
Sophie e sua família estão visitando o Museu de Ciências Naturais da cidade, onde o Prof. Snork está trabalhando em uma nova máquina do tempo - De repente, a máquina inteira começa a tremer e, com um flash de luz brilhante, um pequeno mamute chamado Woolly e uma tartaruga marinha por o nome de Gertrudes se materializou ao lado de Felix. Todos os três são então catapultados para uma viagem no tempo em que enfrentam homens das cavernas pré-históricos e até encontram a Rainha Nefertiti no antigo Egito. No entanto, o retorno para casa não será fácil, já que Sophie e o Prof. Snork trabalham para trazer a máquina de volta ao presente. Enquanto isso, Felix é hospedado pelos vikings, conhece uma baleia, conhece os povos das Américas nativas e se aventura em uma ilha do Pacífico. Felix e Wolly até participaram de um torneio medieval antes de voltar para a segurança dos braços de Sophie.
Felix, uma Volta ao Mundo
Felix perdeu-se da sua amiga Sofia a acaba por dar a volta ao mundo na tentativa de procurar o caminho de volta a casa. Nessa viagem feliz encontra-se com muitos personagens criados pelos livros de histórias infantis.
The Chestnut Soldier
Gwyn can feel danger coming in the wind. Somehow he knows the warnings have to do with the broken toy horse that holds the evil spirit of a prince who lived long ago. When Gwyn discovers that the prince's dark soul has escaped from the horse and is seeking revenge Gwyn, Emlyn, and Nia have to figure out how to save the mysterious soldier who claims to be Nia's distant cousin. With the help of the Snow Spider, can they recapture the prince's soul without hurting the Chestnut soldier?
The Snow Spider
On his ninth birthday, young Gwyn (Osian Roberts), who lives on a remote hill farm in Wales, receives five strange gifts from his grandmother (Siân Phillips): a piece of seaweed, a yellow scarf, a tin whistle, a metal brooch and a small broken horse. Gwyn offers the brooch to the wind and receives back a tiny silvery spider - Arianwen, the snow spider - confirming that, as his grandmother had already guessed, he has inherited magical powers from his Celtic ancestor Gwydyon, a powerful magician whose exploits are described in the fourth book ("Math Son of Mathonwy") of the Mabinogion. With the help of the snow spider, Gwyn embarks on adventures involving other worlds of snow and silver, as he attempts to solve the five-year-old mystery of his sister Beth's disappearance in a snow storm.