Ferdinando Dell'Omo


The Ritual Killer
Unable to process the death of his daughter, Detective Boyd embarks on a hunt for a serial killer who murders according to a brutal tribal ritual: Muti. The only person who can help Boyd is Professor Mackles, an anthropologist who hides an unspeakable secret. The line between sanity and madness thins as Boyd goes deeper into the killer’s world.
Save Christmas
Executive Producer
Grumpy Dad dislikes Christmas while mum and kids strive to save Santa from animated villain's captivity through solving 8 digital riddles.
Christmas Thieves
After a robbery goes wrong, Frank and Vince break into a home when two kids mistake them for their babysitters. Hoping to make them fall asleep so they can make their getaway, Frank reads stories from a magic book that he stole during the robbery, taking them to the enchanted world of Arctic Friends. The two thieves have to endure the kid’s hijinks as they make various absurd attempts to escape.
Borboleta Negra
Executive In Charge Of Production
Um roteirista sem muita sorte na vida encontra um andarilho e oferece um lugar para ele ficar. No entanto, quando o estranho enlouquecido o faz refém e o obriga a escrever, isso traz muitos segredos à tona.
2047: Sights of Death
Em 2047, o mundo está sob controle de um governo geral autoritário e desumano. O agente Ryan aceita a missão de buscar provas que possam incriminar o governo pelos crimes contra a humanidade. No caminho, ele deve enfrentar um grupo de majores e coronéis mercenários, que farão de tudo para dificultar a tarefa.
Paradox Effect
An innocent woman is forced to confront a dangerous kingpin who has kidnapped her young daughter and is holding her for ransom. She teams up with a corrupt Interpol agent, whose son is also being held hostage, to rip off various criminals to raise the ransom to save their offspring. Together they have one hour to save their families from the wrath of bigwig.