Andrew Kramer


The 'After Effects Guru' As the host of over 160 tutorials and creator of title sequences for TV's Fringe and the film Star Trek, Andrew has participated in many forms of production from visual effects artist, to directing commercials and promos. His website Video Copilot has been a progressive force in the visual effects industry with his upbeat training style and innovative plug-ins. As a freelance artist and web designer at age 20, Andrew began to work on the Video Copilot website from his apartment in Southern California. The website started with a single product and a handful of short After Effects tutorials that were featured on the Creative Cow community. His unusual training style and off-beat humor intrigued viewers by showing them powerful techniques for visual effects that were detailed and also entertaining. Not to mention the joy of collaborating with his friend Sam Loya for destructive and punishing effects. In 2007 Andrew released a tutorial based on the Light Streaks effects from the recent iPod commercials that sparked worldwide interest and was even featured on the front page of the popular news site Later that year, the now 2-man team released the popular Riot Gear DVD featuring stock footage of paint and ink elements filmed in their garage. The products success had Andrew and his brother scrambling to fill orders to locations all over the world and helped fuel the company's passion. The sites online presence has also led to collaborations for Andrew to work with major companies and even the unique opportunity to work with Director J.J. Abrams on Film & TV Projects. Video Copilot has since published over 40 hours of training and has over a dozen professional products and plug-ins used by creative professionals around the world. The Video Copilot team has grown to 6 full-time professionals and recently moved into a new studio space. Andrew continues to work in the film industry in addition to publishing new, exciting products and tutorials for the growing motion graphics and visual effects community. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Andrew Kramer


VFX Supervisor
A science-fiction film where a man wakes up in an empty field and discovers that he’s being chased by a flying drone, which sets off a desperate race for survival.
Ghost House
VFX Artist
They thought it was their dream home, but when the unseen residents showed up, those dreams went up in flames.
Proll Out
Android Kramer
Super 8
Title Designer
No verão de 1979, um grupo de seis garotos em uma cidade industrial de Ohio testemunha uma catastrófica colisão noturna de uma caminhonete com um trem de carga. Eles registram tudo com a câmera Super-8 com a qual estavam tentando fazer um filme. Não tarda para que eles comecem a desconfiar que aquilo não foi um acidente, quando misteriosos desaparecimentos começam a acontecer e o exército tenta encobrir a verdade (algo muito mais terrível do que eles poderiam imaginar).
Star Trek
Title Designer
A bordo da USS Enterprise, a nave mais sofisticada já construída, uma tripulação de novatos embarca em sua viagem inaugural, que é atrapalhada por Nero, um comandante cuja vingança ameaça toda a humanidade. Para que os humanos possam sobreviver, James Kirk, um jovem oficial rebelde, e Spock, um Vulcan completamente lógico, devem superar a rivalidade que há entre eles e encontrar uma maneira de derrotar Nero antes que seja tarde demais.