Suzanne Willa


The Accusing Finger
Older Woman on Bus
A proud, pro-capital punishment district attorney with a 90% execution rate, finds himself wrongly convicted of murdering his estranged wife and sentenced to die. The woman he loves and his investigator rival for her affections rally to find the real killer, while he is confronted by the misery of life on death row.
The Angel Factory
Marie Lacy
In the slums of New York, David Darrow runs a settlement house called "The Angel Factory" in which he tries to help those oppressed by tenement life. In the course of his work, Darrow meets Florence, an innocent young girl of the slums, and is attracted to her sweetness. Betty, Darrow's snobbish fiancée, becomes jealous and invites Florence to a reception, hoping to embarrass the girl. Florence comports herself admirably, however, and wins the respect of all present. The next day, on his way to the settlement house, Darrow is followed by gangster Tony Podessa, a jealous man from Florence's past. As Florence watches the two men confront each other, Tony is killed by a mysterious shot. The police arrive and arrest Darrow for the murder.
Kick In
Myrtle Sylvester
Kick In is a lost 1917 silent film crime melodrama directed by George Fitzmaurice and starring William Courtenay. It is based on the 1914 Broadway play of the same name by Willard Mack.
Arms and the Woman
Rozika is a Hungarian girl who can sing quite nice. She goes to the place known as the United States with her brother whose name happens to be Young Carl. Rozika marries a chap named Trevor and a predicament ensued after the Great War comes knocking at the door.