Brian Wierda


Steve Gadd: In Session
Associate Producer
90+ minutes of incredible music and dialogue by Steve Gadd with Will Lee, Eddie Gomez, the late Richard Tee and Jorge Dalto. This classic video will give you a behind-the-scenes look at masters at work as they arrange tunes, work on grooves, and play funk, Latin, reggae, shuffles and ballads. This video comes with its own accompanying instructional booklet, contains a wealth of teaching by simply showing Gadd playing his relentlessly impeccable licks in loose improvisatory jams, and fleshing them out with illustrative voiceover comments.
Conspiração Bruce Lee
Sound Editor
Durante demonstração de técnicas de auto-defesa orientais no Madison Square Garden, o repórter Adolph Ceasar entrevista o promotor de lutas Aaron Banks. Ele lança a polêmica teoria de que Bruce Lee foi assassinado por um inimigo com um golpe chamado "toque da morte". Neste documentário, Adolph Caesar tenta desvendar todo o mistério sobre a morte prematura do ídolo, contanto com depoimentos de Fred Williamson e Ron Van Clief. O filme inclui cenas de arquivo com Bruce Lee.