Two worn-out wrestling brothers take part in a midnight fight on Halloween. What they do not know: While they are trapped in the wrestling arena, their opponents and the audience were infected with a mutated variant of rabies. Equipped only with their martial arts and wrestling masks, the brothers have to fight for their lives and prevent the virus from breaking out.
Three beautiful aspiring actresses embark on a mission to break into the competitive Los Angeles acting scene only to discover the road leading to stardom comes at a price.
After years of struggle to keep the doors of the Ritz Theater open, Faith Scott and her Uncle Donny look to put together a big Christmas show as a last effort to keep the theater June.
Cinco anos se passaram desde os acontecimentos do último filme da saga, onde a costa oeste foi devastada pelo ataque de tubarões assassinos. Neste período, nenhum ataque ocorreu. Mas Fin e sua família correrão sério perigo quando uma tempestade anuncia mais um tornado de tubarões.
550 artists were interviewed over ten years. At some point during those interviews, they were asked a question and told to answer with one word only. Some stuck to one, some said more, some answered quickly, some thought it through, and some didn't answer at all. That question… Lennon or McCartney?
When Santa Claus loses his magical powers and becomes stranded in their barn, two children from a small farming community help him save Christmas before it's too late.
Na medida em que a popularidade de Hannah Montana cresce e passa a tomar conta da vida da garota, Miley Stewart (Miley Cyrus), encorajada pelo pai (Billy Ray Cyrus), sai em viagem a sua cidade natal, Crowley Corners, no Tennessee, para tentar compreender o que mais importa na vida.