Segrey Tsepov

Segrey Tsepov


Segrey Tsepov
Segrey Tsepov


Mr. Knockout
The film tells the story of the legendary Soviet boxer Valery Popenchenko, USSR and European champion and winner of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. His life was a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs - from his childhood in Tashkent’s Suvorov Military School and service as a border guard, to his first victories and failures, and his friendship with Dynamo sports society coach Grigory Kusikyants.
The story of four friends, former fellow soldiers from Afghanistan, who meet on the eve of Victory Day to see off a comrade on his last journey.
Heavenly Team
As long as the fans live, hope won't die. They are fans of the hockey Lokomotiv from Yaroslavl. People forever loyal to the club. Hockey players' wives, stadium staff, young athletes and fan movement veterans who have been singing in the stands for several decades. In honor of the opening of the new season of the Kontinental Hockey League, the army of Lokomotiv fans is sent to Minsk for the first match of the tournament to support the team. None of them knows that this trip will change everyone's life forever, and the tragedy that will happen to Lokomotiv will divide the sports world into “before” and “after”.
Michael Mil
A story about Russian aerospace engineer and scientist, creator of well-known Soviet helicopter Mi-1 and the founder of Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant
Отставник. Один за всех
The Last Warrior
Goiko, the merchant
A new era is about to begin in Eastern Europe. Scythians, the proud warriors, are all but gone and most of the few remaining descendants have become ruthless mercenary assassins. Lutobor, a warrior who becomes involved in intertribal conflicts, sets off on a perilous journey to save his family guided by a captive Scythian.
Linha Tênue
Um jovem paramédico, talentoso e dedicado, está enfrentando problemas em seu casamento. Sua esposa está farta de ele se importar mais com os pacientes do que com ela, e pede o divórcio. Ao mesmo tempo em que luta para arranjar tempo para a esposa, ele começa a ficar cada vez mais obcecado por sua missão de salvar vidas. Até que o novo chefe do hospital implementa novas regras rígidas que atrapalham o trabalho do paramédico. Presos entre ligações de emergência, a busca por um sentido para a vida, e crises pessoais e profissionais, o casal precisa encontrar a força que os mantém unidos.
The Tragedy in Rogers Bay
The events in the film are current in 1935. The scene of action is the polar scientific station on Wrangel Island, the USSR outpost in the far north. Here comes the hero of the film - Inspector of the Administration of the Glavsevmorputi Nikolai Zherdev. The reason for his arrival - the tragedy that occurred at the station - the death of Dr. Wolfson, which occurred as a result of an accident.
Sibéria, Monamour
Monamour é um vilarejo isolado em meio à floresta boreal da Sibéria. O lugar é cercado por cães selvagens que devoram quem ousa se aproximar. É lá onde moram o menino Leshka e seu avô, Ivan. Leshka toma um dos cães como seu melhor amigo e vive na esperança de que seu pai retorne, depois de dois anos de ausência. De tempos em tempos, seu tio Yuri leva suprimentos para lá. Mas este é atacado pelos cães e desaparece, e Leshka e Ivan se veem isolados do mundo. Ao ver o avô atirar no seu cachorro, o menino foge e cai num poço. Agora,o avô precisa achar ajuda.
A Resistência
captain Ivan Zubachev
Brestskaya Krepost é um drama de guerra único, uma vez que foca nos primeiros dias da guerra para os soviéticos, assim como Pearl Harbor focou no primeiro dia da guerra para os americanos, com a diferença de que seu desfecho tem um sentido muito mais profundo, assim como o filme como um todo, a julgar pelo realismo de suas cenas, de sua história e a brilhante atuação dos atores, com pouquíssima fantasia. Sem dúvidas um filme que marcará o cinema e tem seu lugar dentre os melhores filmes de guerra já feito nos últimos 20 anos.
977 is a coded number relating the attempt to “test the harmony with algebra”, to figure out the mathematical regularities of emotional and spiritual realms of human being. The characters have volunteered for the experiment to be put through not only scientific researching, but also through the everyday trials of friendship, love, attractions, envy and “the strongest of affects” – the curiosity. Thus, the scientific experience turns into human one, and a result is unpredictable…
Off-Mission Assignment 2: Explosion at Dawn
During military exercise a group of commandos walks into a mine field that has been left over since WWII. The only person who can save the trapped men is Serba, a surviving soldier of WWII, who was in the field back in 1943.
Angel flew
“Witch,” those who came for help yesterday throw after Pauline. Who is she, an evil sorceress or a kind, but not very happy woman? The young capital surgeon Dmitry arrives in a provincial town and here comes a real, deep feeling. He falls in love ... with a witch! Dmitry’s mother does everything to separate the lovers, and she succeeds. But on New Year's Eve a miracle happens: thanks to her gift, Pauline saves Dmitry's life. And now the Siren Siren is already heard, in which Polina and Dmitry ride, waiting for the birth of a child ...
Сюжет этого авантюрно - приключенческого фильма закручен вокруг банковского чека на 5 миллионов долларов. Его стремятся заполучить во что бы то ни стало и крутые мафиози, и милиция, и даже... трое подростков - юный русский богатырь Илья, казахский компьютерный вундеркинд Акежан и девочка Соня. Акежану нужна срочная дорогостоящая операция, поэтому ребята и решились на это опасное и рискованное дело.