Donyale Luna


Salome is the daughter of the second wife of King Herod. The King is infatuated with her and, after she fails to seduce the prophet John The Baptist, she dances for the King in order to ask for his execution.
Satyricon de Fellini
A estória narra as aventuras e desventuras de Encolpio e Ascilto, pelo afeto de Gitão (Gitone), que após ser vendido a um ator de teatro, é resgatado por Encolpio mas escolhe ficar com Ascilto. Rejeitado, Encolpio é salvo do próprio suicídio por um terremoto, e a partir daí começa uma jornada que tem por pano de fundo uma galeria de artes onde conhece o poeta Eumolpo, e o acompanha até um bacanal promovido por um aristocrata com pretenções artísticas, mas que despreza a própria esposa pela companhia de um menino. Pedofilia, homossexualidade, antropofagia, rituais diversos, numa Babel de culturas, que nos desafiam a ver uma Roma Clássica que, sob os valores de hoje, seria amoral e decadente.
Skidoo Se Faz a Dois
God’s Mistress
Ex-gangster Tony Banks is called out of retirement by mob kingpin God to carry out a hit on fellow mobster "Blue Chips" Packard. When Banks demurs, God kidnaps his daughter Darlene on his luxury yacht.
Who Are You, Polly Maggoo?
In this excoriating satire of the fashion industry, Polly Maggoo is a 20-year-old Brooklyn-born fashion model in Paris, on the runway at the big shows where magazine editor Ms. Maxwell is the reigning opinion maker. The ridiculous passes for sublime. Polly becomes the subject of an episode of a vapid TV news documentary series called "Qui êtes-vous?" and is pursued by the filmmaker and by the prince of Borodine, a small country in the Soviet bloc.
Shot at Warhol's Silver Factory, Camp features a group of Superstars putting on a "summer camp" talent show complete with singing, dancing, jokes, poetry, and Gerard Malanga as master of ceremonies.
Luna appears in one of Warhol’s famous screen tests. Contrary to Warhol’s preferred stasis, she acknowledges the camera with a series of smiles, winks, and suggestive facial expressions.