Matteo Zoppis

Matteo Zoppis

Nascimento : 2021-10-16, Rome, Italy


Matteo Zoppis (1986, Italy) is an Italian-American filmmaker who works as a director, cinematographer and editor. After studying Law, he moved to New York enrolling at New York University SCPS to study directing. He currently lives in Berlin and works with his friend Alessio Rigo de Righi. He has directed All Tears Drop (2010, short), My Wildest Dark (2011, short), The Falconer (2012, short), Black Beast (2013, short doc, co-dir), Il solengo (2015, doc, co-dir) and Re granchio (2021, co-dir).


Matteo Zoppis


The Tale of King Crab
Hoje, alguns ainda o chamam de santo, de pária ou de assassino: Luciano, alimentado por seu amor pela ardente Ema, defendeu sua liberdade até cometer o imperdoável. Exilado na distante e hostil Terra do Fogo, lá ele poderia encontrar seu caminho para a salvação em busca de um tesouro lendário.
The Tale of King Crab
Hoje, alguns ainda o chamam de santo, de pária ou de assassino: Luciano, alimentado por seu amor pela ardente Ema, defendeu sua liberdade até cometer o imperdoável. Exilado na distante e hostil Terra do Fogo, lá ele poderia encontrar seu caminho para a salvação em busca de um tesouro lendário.
The Tale of King Crab
Hoje, alguns ainda o chamam de santo, de pária ou de assassino: Luciano, alimentado por seu amor pela ardente Ema, defendeu sua liberdade até cometer o imperdoável. Exilado na distante e hostil Terra do Fogo, lá ele poderia encontrar seu caminho para a salvação em busca de um tesouro lendário.
Il Solengo
A documentary about the story of Mario de Marcella, a hermit that lived in the woods near Rome. He was called by hunters "Il Solengo" because that's how they call the lone boar that is cut off from the rest of the pack.
Black Beast
Hercules, an old cowboy and quick shooter, says he's seen a black panther near his small hunting lodge. Some of his friends agree with him, others believe it's only a legend. Until Tony Scarf, actor and panther specialist, catches one...
Black Beast
Hercules, an old cowboy and quick shooter, says he's seen a black panther near his small hunting lodge. Some of his friends agree with him, others believe it's only a legend. Until Tony Scarf, actor and panther specialist, catches one...
Black Beast
Hercules, an old cowboy and quick shooter, says he's seen a black panther near his small hunting lodge. Some of his friends agree with him, others believe it's only a legend. Until Tony Scarf, actor and panther specialist, catches one...
Black Beast
Hercules, an old cowboy and quick shooter, says he's seen a black panther near his small hunting lodge. Some of his friends agree with him, others believe it's only a legend. Until Tony Scarf, actor and panther specialist, catches one...
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