Ludivine Reding
Nascimento : 1997-02-06, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Self - Host
Charlie (voice)
Uma corrida de trenó espetacular pela vila. Frankie-Four-Eyes e sua equipe, incluindo Sophie como motorista, enfrentam os recém-chegados: o misterioso e vaidoso Zac e seu primo atlético Charly. O fantástico trenó projetado por Frankie se desintegra logo antes de cruzar a linha de chegada. É uma perda amarga para Frankie, que se recusa a aceitar que ele pode ter cometido alguns erros de construção. Juntamente com seus amigos, ele consegue provar que Zac trapaceou durante a corrida. Frankie exige uma revanche; que Zac aceita desde que Frankie construa uma pista de corrida totalmente nova.
One night, Andie, figurehead of a four friends group, plans out her death in front of all her relatives. Through a broken monologue, Andie reveals her deep thoughts about each person she has harmed. This staging destabilizes the group and questions the links previously made. While each member of the gang tries to regain control of the group, both emotionally and physically, a fifth person interferes from the outside and comes to stir up chaos.
Préposée Boutique
Living somewhere in present-day Quebec, Boris Malinowski has achieved all his goals. A freethinker, open-minded and proud, he also displays a certain arrogance when it comes to his successes. For some time now, his wife Béatrice, a Canadian government minister, has been bedridden, suffering from a mysterious depression. To escape from his wife’s agony, Boris begins a relationship with a colleague, Helga, and gets close to Klara, a young woman who works as a maid in Boris’s home. The sudden appearance of a stranger in his life forces Boris to come face-to-face with the world, with everything he takes for granted, with all his certainties.
Talk show host Marc Morin is at a crossroads in his career and in his personal life. The ratings of his show are failing and he is losing touch with his family. In an effort to regain the love and respect of his audience, Marc’s agent decides to send him, against his will, on a humanitarian mission to Haiti. Nothing can prepare Marc for the journey on which he is about to embark.
Simon is 14 years old and, like most teenagers, he is struggling through this thankless period. He is uncomfortable in his body and has lived for a long time in the shadow of his friend Stéphane, who is more handsome and more popular than him.
Juliette Gando
Uma Jovem policial, um caso inesperado e um crime a esconder. Um intenso e agitado thriller. “Traição Perigosa” conta o lado negro de um caso em que uma confusão de identidade causa um efeito devastador na vida de várias pessoas. Quando a jovem policial Kate revista Benoit, um francês executivo do ramo de seguros, achando que ele é um criminoso, ela teme que ele conte aos seus superiores sobre o seu erro. Para convencê-lo a não fazer isso, Kate o seduz e ele sucumbe a seus avanços.
Jeune fille au balcon
To save his best friend, Louis-Bernard Lapointe has to transport himself to a parallel world to find the 'Key of Possibilities', a magical and legendary object that allow his user to visit an infinite numbers of universes where everything is possible.
Jeune fille
Chaos ensues after global warming transforms a working-class Montreal neighborhood into a world Mecca for truffles.
La Belle Bête is a powerful study of the conflict between beauty and ugliness, hate and love. The story revolves around three main characters. At the center, Patrice, a beautiful but mindless youth stands gazing at his image in the water. Around him move his ugly sister Isabelle-Marie, and his frivolous mother Louise, the first lost in love and hate for her brother's beauty, the second seeing it as an adornment for herself. Into this small, obsessed universe come a blind boy and an elegant fop from the outside world. At once, the pattern breaks and events move forward into a terrifying denouement.
Écolière no. 5
After the sudden death of her mother, Aurore Gagnon is abused by her disturbed step-mother as her town remains in the silence followed by her death. Based on a true story.
A couple is trying to drown their daughter under a covered bridge. At the same time, a young farmgirl is trying to drag her cow across the bridge. But whoever you are, if you cross that bridge your life changes forever...