Helen Badgley

Helen Badgley

Nascimento : 1908-12-01, Saratoga Springs - New York - USA

Morte : 1977-10-25


By the time she was just 3 years old she was appearing in her first film, Brother Bob's Baby in 1911. In 1912 she appeared in eleven films, and in 1913, that number increased to twenty two. At age six she lost her two front teeth and "retired" until new ones could appear. She never went back. She ended up with 103 credits to her name earning her the title "Thanhouser Kidlet" after the movie studio Thanhouser located in New York City which burned down. Her father was Gerald Badgely, expert mechanic and electrician at the studio where he perfected the Vista moving picture recorder.


Helen Badgley


The Fires of Youth
The Thanhouser Co. has reissued a number of its surviving films on video. FIRES OF YOUTH existed at around 52 minutes in its original release. A shortened version running just over 31 minutes has survived at the George Eastman House and has now been released by Thanhouser. Jeanne Eagels does well as the neglected young daughter in a factory town. She appears in 22 scenes and delivers a sensitive performance.
A Modern Monte Cristo
Virginia Deane, age 6
This adaptation of the Alexandre Dumas story tells of a man, living in the present day, who returns home incognito and wealthy after having been a sailor for years and living on a desert island surrounded by water filled with pearl-oysters. He revenges himself on his enemy, who had unjustly accused him of a crime he did not commit.
Mercy on a Crutch
The Sheriff's Daughter
Born in a prospector's camp, orphaned by a flood and taken care of by relatives to whom she was unwelcome, Mercy grew up dodging blows and curses with equal dexterity and indifferent success.
The Three Roses
The Third Rose
The Colonel, for many years, has lived in the past, reverencing the lost cause of the Confederacy and hating all Northerners. When his daughter, Rose, named for her mother, falls in love with a New England youth, he haughtily refuses his consent. Rose and John Hewins run away and are married.
The Barrier of Flames
The Mayor's Daughter
Little Helen, Mayor Southwick's child, straying away from an automobile party, gets lost in the woods. She comes to the house where the her father's political rival holds his secret conferences, and he orders his housekeeper to keep guard over the child while he motors to the city. His plan is to hold the child until her father has signed the bills he wants passed.
Zudora, not knowing she's an heiress to a $20 million fortune, lives with her uncle, a mystic and detective, who covets her inheritance. She wants to marry John Storm but her uncle is against it. However, the uncle makes a bargain; if Zudora can solve the next twenty mysteries brought to him, she can marry as she chooses. Episodes 1,2 and 8, plus another unidentified chapter, survive. The rest is believed to be lost.
A Dog's Love
Baby Helen
A lonely little girl is befriended by Shep, a neighbor's collie. The girl meets an untimely death, leaving Shep behind.
The Dancer
Anna's Little Daughter
The film's heroine is a dancer of world-wide reputation who, in the days of her struggle, has offended the story's villain.
The Woman Pays
The Watson 4-year old son
The Woman Pays is a 1914 silent film
The Girl of the Cabaret
Their Daughter
A young girl, who had talent as a violinist, came to New York determined to win fame on the concert stage. She found the field overcrowded, but accepted an engagement as violin soloist in a cabaret restaurant. She was pretty and her playing pleased the patrons of the place. One evening a roughly dressed man came into the restaurant. His attire was in sharp contrast to the foppish men in evening dress who were languidly eating their meals. When the young violinist made her appearance the countryman showed by his manner that she had made a deep impression upon him.
Little Dorrit
Young Little Dorrit
A short adaption of the novel by Charles Dickens.
The Spoiled Darling's Doll
The Spoiled Darling's Doll
Her parents said she was a darling. The long-suffering servants thought otherwise. From the time that she could first crawl and talk she had had her own way. Her nurse did not like her. The little girl never obeyed, but always argued and protested. She smashed her toys and tore her clothes, and screamed so her sick mother took a turn for the worse. Her parents, however, were satisfied she would outgrow her unpleasant habits, and sure enough she did. One evening the nurse rushed into her room, attracted by the cries of the child. She had tumbled out of bed, but strange to say was not peevish. She apologized to the nurse for causing any trouble and altogether was so sweet that the nurse was convinced the child was seriously ill. Her father questioned her and the little one told him of the remarkable conduct of her newest and biggest doll.
Just a Shabby Doll
The Daughter
A romantic story utilizing flashback sequences, featuring Harry Benham, Mignon Anderson and Helen Badgley (http://thanhouser.org/).
When the Studio Burned
A recreation of the Thanhouser Studio fire of 13 January 1913, it includes the rescue of a small child from the flaming building.
The Tiniest of Stars
Little Girl
Family drama of a a brother and sister who take to the stage.
The Repeater
The Reformer's Little Daughter
The story's hero, a reformer in politics, has been accused and convicted of "padding the registration lists," but on procured evidence and on a frame-up, made by the ring leader's heeler, William Russell. He is sent to prison and the story works out to his coming home, a cleared and rehabilitated man, on Christmas Eve.
Cross Your Heart
A little boy, inmate of an orphan asylum, ran away. He fell in with an itinerant knife grinder. The boy had had no home life and when his companion suggested that they steal some chickens, he did not object. The farmer was alert, however, and although the knife grinder escaped, the boy was made a prisoner.
In a Garden
Child visitor to garden
Over the years, an old gardener observes a romance develop between a young boy and girl. 20 years after they break up over a misunderstanding, the old man is instrumental in bringing them back together again.
Dottie's New Doll
Dottie's New Doll
Dottie was very proud of her great big beautiful doll but sometimes they are in danger of getting broke. And that was what happened to "Beautiful Bess" and it nearly broke her mother's tiny heart.
My Baby's Voice
Ruth Mackey - the Baby
A neglected mother is tempted to stray, but she is saved by her baby's voice, whom she hears talking on the telephone.