Marga Rubia Levy


Flirting with Love
When Wade Cameron, chairman of the Better Plays Society, stops the production of actress Gilda Lamont's first stage success, she attempts to revenge herself by affecting another personality and earning his confidence. He assigns her a role in an improvised production of a new play as an unknown actress, derails her attempt to expose him, and ends by winning her heart.
Betta the Gypsy
In Wales, a gypsy queen changes her sister's dead baby for one by the same father. The child grows up to marry her daughter.
Arsène Lupin
Marga La Rubia
Arsène Lupin, também conhecido como Duque de Charmence, é um ladrão cavalheiro inteligente. O detetive Guerchard jurou levar Lupin à justiça. Tendo a chance de escapar quando pego com as mercadorias, Lupin abre mão de sua liberdade pelo amor de uma boa mulher.