The Laughter Life follows a week in the life of the young comedians who write and star in Studio C, a popular sketch comedy television show that has garnered over 1 billion views on YouTube.
Readers across the world are in love with author Sally Carmichael's series of romance novels that chronicle the epic love story between a human girl and a merman. But no one knows that Sally Carmichael is really Simon Hayes, a bitter, serious novelist - and Simon would like to keep it that way. When he is forced to meet a movie star about the movie adaptation, his life of anonymity starts to crumble.
Pvt. Gaines
Maio de 1945, Alemanha, os últimos momentos da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Apesar de a máquina alemã de guerra estar em pedaços, ainda existe uma implacável tropa nazista em atividade, escondidos nas montanhas. Para acabar com o esconderijo e derrotar os inimigos, são enviados dois tanques americanos.