Based on the Hungarian novel "Our Street" by Sandor Tar, the film deals with a post-apocalyptic Hungarian-Ukranian village where everything is rotten, planes randomly crash, and only alcohol moves people around - no money, no electricity, only barter. In this wasteland, Ocsenas is the only hero, the one trying to survive amidst the savages and war, the one who helps everyone out, all while caught up in a love triangle that will define his future.
No equal signs of justice can be drawn between those who are accused of a crime, those who are convicted of a crime and those who are the true offenders. That triangle always contains the accused who are not guilty and true offenders whose guilt cannot be ultimately proven. Throughout history, one of the greatest deviations in the strive towards equality has occurred in the triangle of guilt in sexual crimes, where guilt is largely proven on the basis of a woman’s will.
Under the burning sun, beachgoers are trying to take advantage of every minute of their paid trip to a desolate beach. Among them are a mother with her grown son, two ladies and their dog, a passive-aggressive married couple, loud Italians, happy Hungarians, and an overweight, possibly dead, German lady.
Uma velha senhora pula do alto de seu prédio de sete andares, ao voltar para casa subindo pelas escadas ela conhece a vida de cada apartamento dos andares inferiores. Sete andares, sete histórias.
An office clerk as seen during her daily routine - all the little vibrations of her face. And a man, impatiently waiting for her, beyond the windows.