Jack Clements


Mockingbird Lane
Co-Executive Producer
Settling into their new home—the rambling Victorian mansion at 1313 Mockingbird Lane— the Munster are quickly onto the mission at hand: to gently ease sweet little Eddie into the reality of his werewolf adolescence. The loving, supportive, run-of-the-mill family includes his mom Lily, the daughter of Dracula, his dad Herman, who brings new meaning to "Frankenstein," and Grandpa! Of course, there's creepy cousin Marilyn, who's really the odd one because she's so completely normal.
Bella Mafia
Don Roberto Luciano turns informer for the biggest Mafia trial in history, but his family pays a terrible price.
Sweet Temptation
Jade is a sixteen year old girl with all the problems a teenager faces. Moreover, her parents are divorced and she lives with her mother Jesse. Jesse falls in love with Billy, a much younger man who is also divorced and has two little kids. When Billy comes to live with her mother, Jade feels really uncomfortable; and maybe she is attracted to him.
Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All
Lucy married at the turn of the last century, when she was fifteen and her husband was fifty. If Colonel William Marsden was a veteran of the "War for Southern Independence", Lucy became a "veteran of the veteran" with a unique perspective on Southern history and Southern manhood. Her story encompasses everything from the tragic death of a Confederate boy soldier to the feisty narrator's daily battles in the Home--complete with visits from a mohawk-coiffed candy-striper.
Me and the Kid
Line Producer
A lonely and emotionally neglected rich kid forms an attachment to one of the men who kidnap him during a botched robbery of his father's safe.
Os Invasores de Corpos - A Invasão Continua
Unit Production Manager
Chegando de Washington, a jovem Marti Malone (Gabrielle Anwar) está se mudando com seu pai Steve (Terry Kinney), sua madrasta Carol (Meg Tilly) e seu meio-irmão Andy (Reilly Murphy) para uma base militar, onde seu pai investigará possíveis problemas ambientais e ecológicos. Antes de chegarem eles param num posto de gasolina, onde Marti vai ao banheiro. Lá um militar com olhar ensandecido diz: "te pegam, quando você está dormindo". Marti foge e pede socorro, mas o autor de tão estranho aviso tinha desaparecido. Na base Marti flerta com um piloto, Tim Young (Billy Wirth), e faz amizade com Jenn Platt (Christine Elise), a filha rebelde do general Platt (R. Lee Ermey), o comandante da base. Logo Marti descobre que as pessoas estão sendo substituídas por cópias perfeitas de si mesmas vindas do espaço, mas sem nenhum sentimento, que invadem o corpo delas quando estão dormindo.
Sindicato da Violência
In 1969, an administrator runs against the corrupt president of the United Coal Miners Union, and becomes the target of a murder plot.
Minha Vida é um Desastre
Unit Production Manager
Após ser deixado pela namorada, que queria alguém popular, bonito e com um carro moderno, Lane Myer (John Cusack) tentar suicidar-se. Entretanto, o jovem conhece a francesa Monique (Diane Franklin), por quem se apaixona. Ele, então, decide acertar as contas com Roy (Aaron Dozier), atual namorado de sua ex, e reconquistar sua honra.
Right to Kill?
Based on true story of teens Richard and Deborah Jahnke charged in Wyoming for the killing of their abusive father.
Second Sight: A Love Story
Associate Producer
Alexandra McKay is a woman who's been blind for twenty years and is afraid that people will just try to get close to her because of her condition, so she ultimately stays to herself and her trusty guide dog, Emma. When Richard Chapman enters her life, a romance develops and McKay begins to let the outside world in to her private world. The prospect of an operation arises that will restore McKay's eyesight, but the fear of what it will do to her relationship with Chapman and the concern over the fate of her guide dog weigh heavily upon her decision to do the procedure.