Rett Terrell


O Horror Entre Nós
Um homem que sofre com problemas de sonambolismo crônico lê em um texto misterioso que ele será possuído por um demônio. Com um terrível e antigo mal ameaçando destruir tudo o que ele ama, ele batalha para manter sua família a salvo.
The Grave
Walter Crim/The Grave
In 1920s Oklahoma City, few men are above the law. Fortunately, crusading reporter Walter Crim stands up to those who would oppress the innocent. When Crim can’t achieve his aims through the press alone, he becomes the dark avenger known as ‘The Grave’.
Jogos Jurássicos
Big Brother
Anthony Tucker (Adam Hampton), condenado injustamente pelo assassinato de sua esposa, vai enfrentar momentos ainda mais difíceis em sua vida: ele foi escolhido, ao lado de mais outros dez condenados à morte, para participar do mortal “The Jurassic Games”, onde eles serão aprisionados em um perigoso mundo virtual lotado por dinossauros famintos e, caso morram lá, também perdem a vida no mundo real.
More Scenes from a Gay Marriage
Movie Joe / Sam
Leigh has made a film about how Darren and Joe met and fell in love. Due to its exaggerated nature, personal complications ensue.
The Posthuman Project
Tim Finch
Denny Burke is finally about to graduate high school. Senior year has been one bad thing after another: a broken leg, a broken heart, and — worst of all — a broken home. With four of his closest friends, Denny goes on one last rock-climbing trip to prove he’s ready to start his adult life… On their trip the five teens receive a genetic boost beyond anything they’d ever imagined. Denny’s soon faced with the first big decision of his adult life: does he give up these powers and stay a normal teenager, or does he keep them…and graduate from the human race?
"Worm" tells the story of a man wanted for a double homicide in the small town of Guthrie, OK. Jason "Worm" Truitt has a young daughter that he loves dearly - and a beautiful girlfriend that he feels is out of his league. Worm is always doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, taking odd jobs for shady men, and even breaking the law from time to time. He is constantly tailed by the local Sheriff, and constantly berated by his own Father and friends. The film plays out as a Southern Neo-Noir of sorts. A modern day "whodunit" tale told using a chest-mounted Snorricam. The audience journeys with Worm as he tries to clear his name and make safe the ones he loves. Along the way, he is entangled in a small town crime syndicate and nearly loses the people that mean the most to him. Did he commit this heinous crime? Will his past sins catch up to him? Only God knows.
Army of Frankensteins
Solomon Jones
A young man travels back in time, finding himself entrenched in the Civil War with an army of Frankensteins.
Os Vampiros que se Mordam
Sátira sobre a angústia e a vida amorosa dos adolescentes e, principalmente, dos filmes que abordam a temática vampírica. Becca, adolescente ansiosa que não é vampira, está indecisa entre dois garotos (Edward e Jacob), mas primeiro ela precisa dar um jeito no pai que só faz ela passar vergonha. Enquanto isso, os amigos dela também vivem dilemas amorosos e a festa de formatura da escola está chegando.