Gerald Ames


The Little People
The Loves of Mary, Queen of Scots
The Dauphin's widow weds a lord and is executed for plotting against the queen.
The House in the Forest
Clem Fordrough
'Devon. Farming brothers give home to orphan shepherdess evicted for suspected immorality.' (British Film Catalogue)
Helen of Four Gates
HELEN OF FOUR GATES was made in Hebden Bridge in 1920 by silent film pioneer Cecil M. Hepworth, based on a popular novel of the same name. Reportedly highly successful when it first opened, the film would later fall into obscurity, with all copies believed to be destroyed. In 2007, a print was discovered in a vault in Canada.
A woman disapproves of her stepson's love for a girl who goes mad when her drunken father dies in a landslide.
Anna the Adventuress
Nigel Ennison
Two identical sisters are able to switch places, leading to a series of unfortunate incidents.
John Armstrong
Comradeship is a 1919 British silent film drama, directed by Maurice Elvey and starring Lily Elsie, Gerald Ames and Guy Newall. The film's action covers the entire span of World War I, from the months before the outbreak of hostilities to the declaration of peace.
Broken in the Wars
Lord Howard
'Lady introduces wounded cobbler to Minister of Pensions, who makes him gift from King's Fund.' (British Film Catalogue)
Red Pottage
Hugh Scarlett
A lady's lover draws spills with her husband to decide who shall commit suicide.
Adam Bede
Arthur Donnithorne
'1850. Squire's grandson saves farmer's niece from charge of murdering illegitimate baby.' (British Film Catalogue)
Masks and Faces
Fencing Master
An actress cures an aged flirt by posing as his wife.
The Shulamite
Arsène Lupin
Arsène Lupin
Arsène Lupin, também conhecido como Duque de Charmence, é um ladrão cavalheiro inteligente. O detetive Guerchard jurou levar Lupin à justiça. Tendo a chance de escapar quando pego com as mercadorias, Lupin abre mão de sua liberdade pelo amor de uma boa mulher.
Me and Me Moke
Sons of Satan
Love in a Wood
The film is a contempary-set version of William Shakespeare's play As You Like It.
A Royal Divorce
Marques de Beaumont
Emperor Napoleon divorces his wife to marry an Austrian Queen and have an heir.