Johnny Timko

Nascimento : 1965-03-31, Torrance, California, USA


Hot Moves
Four friends, annoyed at how almost everyone else they know is having sex but them, agree to do what they can to help each other lose their virginity before the end of the summer. Most of their opportunities are foiled by their inexperience and bad planning. Michael, the most sensible boy of the foursome, really just wants to stay with his long-time girlfriend and take their relationship to an intimate level, but after putting him off for six months he grows impatient and splits up with her to seek his fortune elsewhere.
The Women's Room
Clark at 14
A wife is sick and tired of her husband's infidelities, so she leaves home and goes back to grad-school. There she meets many self-confident women who help her find her own voice.
Semente do Diabo
Médico do governo, Dr. Robert Verne, e sua esposa grávida são enviados para Maine, para intermediar um conflito entre uma tribo de nativos americanos e uma exploradora de madeira. A empresa está sendo acusada de envenenar a água, causando a mutação dos animais selvagens locais. Dr. Robert captura um filhote de urso para fazer testes, e logo descobre que se tornou o alvo de um mutante furioso.
The Last Ride of the Dalton Gang
Young Bob
A light-hearted view of the Dalton Gang's legendary raid on Coffeyville, Kansas and the years leading up to it as the brothers form themselves into a gang of horse thieves and train and bank robbers with their arch enemy, Detective Will Smith, constantly on their heels.
When Every Day Was the Fourth of July
Marty Albert
A little girl convinces her attorney father to defend a mute war veteran accused of murdering a store owner.
O Carro: A Máquina do Diabo
Little Boy (uncredited)
Uma cidadezinha do Oeste americano é aterrorizada por um carro preto que mata impiedosamente qualquer um que cruze o seu caminho. Policiais da região são mobilizados para capturar o assassino, mas caberá ao oficial Wade evitar que o diabólico automóvel mate novamente.