Massimo Filippini


La tristezza ha il sonno leggero
Sound Mixer
Uma Amizade Inesperada
Supervising Sound Editor
A vida de Valerio, um charmoso jovem de 30 anos afetado pelo transtorno bipolar, ganha um novo significado quando ele conhece Carla, uma senhora que manifesta os primeiros sintomas da doença de Alzheimer. Duas almas complexas que encontram em uma amizade inesperada a força para se confrontar com o seu passado.
Sobreviva a Noite
Production Sound Mixer
Goro, um gênio criminoso, conspirou para roubar um enorme depósito de ouro da família Rossini. Sem o conhecimento de Goro e seus soldados da fortuna, um dos hóspedes de Rossini é um agente estrangeiro altamente treinado que luta não só para salvar os reféns e o ouro, mas sua família em perigo.
A Rosa Venenosa
Dialogue Editor
Carson Phillips, um ex-astro do futebol que virou detetive particular, assume um caso de desaparecimento que lentamente se revela uma complexa teia de crimes, suspeitos e cadáveres. Quando ele descobre que sua filha é a suspeita número um, ele corre contra o relógio para salvá-la, resolver os assassinatos e descobrir os segredos sujos da cidade.
Sound Editor
The life of Giorgio, a mediocre journalist, changes abruptly when the director of the newspaper decides to transfer him to a provincial office. Only the kidnapping of young Carlo gives him back his work as a correspondent.
Sound Mixer
The life of Giorgio, a mediocre journalist, changes abruptly when the director of the newspaper decides to transfer him to a provincial office. Only the kidnapping of young Carlo gives him back his work as a correspondent.
The Music Box
Quando Sophie, de 6 anos, tragicamente fica órfã, a tutela é designada à sua tia Annabelle. As duas se mudam para uma grande casa onde Sophie descobre uma caixa de madeira trancada com um estranho símbolo desenhado nela. Desesperada para se conectar com sua sobrinha, Annabelle abre a fechadura revelando uma bela caixa de música. Cada vez que a caixa de música é reproduzida, ela toca uma melodia assustadora que acaba cativando ainda mais Sophie
A Taste of Phobia
Sound Designer
15 international directors, 15 trips to hell. The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear...
Almost Dead
Sound Designer
Almost Dead
Original Music Composer
Six Children and One Grandfather
Supervising Sound Editor
David McDoll is a selfish and wealthy man living an enviable lifestyle in his large villa and collecting fancy cars. However, his life is about to be changed forever when he inherits his six grandchildren. His glamorous lifestyle quickly becomes complete chaos. But he will learn a valuable lesson that teaches him about placing family first and discovering a newfound appreciation for life.
Six Children and One Grandfather
Recording Supervision
David McDoll is a selfish and wealthy man living an enviable lifestyle in his large villa and collecting fancy cars. However, his life is about to be changed forever when he inherits his six grandchildren. His glamorous lifestyle quickly becomes complete chaos. But he will learn a valuable lesson that teaches him about placing family first and discovering a newfound appreciation for life.
Reveries of a Solitary Walker
Sound Designer
Three characters in three different ages are united by a dream of freedom and a small masterpiece of literature. A journey through the mysterious and timeless aspirations, sufferings and 'Reveries' of a poet, of a young student and a child lost in the woods.
Roma criminale
Uomini forti
Original Music Composer
The epic of Hercules and Maciste to the live voices of witnesses and through the images of the Italian film journals. And through interviews with Carlo Lizzani, Enrico Lucherini, Citto Maselli, Rosalba Neri, Mimmo Palmara, Carlo Verdone.
Amor Sacro
Recording Supervision
Innocenzo is a 39 years old cistercenses monk, ceramist and singer for the abbey he lives in, but new obligations arise as the parson of the village is transfered. He finds himself face to face with the complexity of community life and starts to question his identity as a person and man of faith.
Amor Sacro
Sound Editor
Innocenzo is a 39 years old cistercenses monk, ceramist and singer for the abbey he lives in, but new obligations arise as the parson of the village is transfered. He finds himself face to face with the complexity of community life and starts to question his identity as a person and man of faith.
Amor Sacro
Innocenzo is a 39 years old cistercenses monk, ceramist and singer for the abbey he lives in, but new obligations arise as the parson of the village is transfered. He finds himself face to face with the complexity of community life and starts to question his identity as a person and man of faith.