Sigurður Sigurjónsson

Sigurður Sigurjónsson

Nascimento : 1955-07-06, London, England, UK


An Icelandic actor, comedian and screenwriter, best known as a member of the comedy group Spaugstofan. He has starred in a number of films and television series since the late 1970s, as well as acting in the National Theatre of Iceland. He is famous for his recurring characters in the Spaugstofan television series, including Ragnar Reykás and Kristján Ólafsson. Sigurður has starred in many seasons of the annual television special Áramótaskaupið. He is also one of the leading Icelandic voice actors and has dubbed numerous animated features. In March 2015, Sigurjóns appeared in the music video for "Crystals," the lead single from the Of Monsters and Men album "Beneath the Skin."


Sigurður Sigurjónsson


A six year old boy of divorced parents spends a weekend at his dad's farm. Not knowing how to connect with his son, the father goes about his day working and treating the boy as any other farmhand. When they come across the mother's seriously wounded horse they finally find a way to connect as they carefully go through the process of putting the horse out of its misery.
An unstable farm girl becomes prisoner to a flesh-eating beast to cure her father's illness.
The Very Last Fishing Trip
Ingvar Thordarson
A group of friends goes on their annual salmon fishing trip to relax in the countryside. The newcomers in the group really try their hand at endurance and the tour goes quickly and safely into the sink out of new and old sins.
Áramótaskaup 2021
Annual TV movie that makes fun of the past year.
Yes-People é um curta animado que acompanha um grupo diverso e eclético de pessoas vivendo situações cotidianas como ir para o trabalho, para a escola, lavar a louça, pagar contas. Conforme o dia vai progredindo suas capacidades para lidar com os problemas diários é testada.
A Resistência de Inga
Em uma pequena cidade rural da Islândia, Inga ganha a vida produzindo laticínios em sua fazenda. Ela decide se rebelar contra uma poderosa cooperativa local, que é corrupta e monopoliza o mercado, e, para isso, tenta convencer os outros fazendeiros a se unirem a ela nessa empreitada, mas encontra grande resistência. Inga, então, precisa achar sozinha os meios de se ver livre da empresa e viver a vida da sua própria maneira.
Um Dia Muito Claro
Esta é a história de Ingimundur (Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson), pai responsável, viúvo e xerife de uma pequena cidade. No processo de construção de uma casa para sua filha e neta, ele fica obcecado por encontrar o homem que ele suspeita estar envolvido com o desaparecimento de sua esposa. Ao longo do tempo, sua obsessão gradualmente se acumula e inevitavelmente começa a afetar seus entes queridos. A vingança, o sofrimento e o amor incondicional permeiam esse moderno thriller de mistério.
The Falcons
Every year, on a large island just outside of Iceland, there is a huge football tournament for kids. Ten-year-old Jón and his team go to compete, but he will have to grow up faster than expected, both on and off the pitch.
Birta Bjartur Blær
A transgender Asian Icelandic teenager is stuck on an island where nothing ever happens and nobody seems to care. We catch a glimpse of their life as an outcast in a dead-end job, desperate for something interesting to do. Anything at all.
A Sombra da Árvore
Depois de ser expulso de casa e impedido de ver a filha, Atli volta a morar com seus pais, que estão envolvidos em uma disputa em torno de uma grande e bela árvore que faz sombra no deque do vizinho. Enquanto Atli luta pelo direito de ver sua filha, a rivalidade com os vizinhos se intensifica — propriedades são danificadas, animais de estimação desaparecem misteriosamente, câmeras de segurança são instaladas e há um boato de que o vizinho foi visto com uma motosserra.
Munda is a 70 year old priest who has to find herself again once she's suddenly made to renounce her priesthood.
A Ovelha Negra
Na Islândia, a população de ovelhas é maior que a de seres humanos. Os animais têm grande importância no país, em boa parte composto por grandes fazendas destinadas a criá-los. Um dia, após ser derrotado no concurso anual do melhor cordeiro, o fazendeiro Gummi (Sigurour Sigurjónsson) decide investigar o animal vencedor e logo desconfia que ele tenha scrapie, uma doença contagiosa entre os animais. Quando a ameaça se confirma, todas as fazendas das redondezas são obrigadas a matar suas ovelhas, o que para muitos é considerado uma verdadeira tragédia. Só que, decidido a proteger seus animais prediletos, Gummi elabora um plano para que eles escapem da matança.
Brave Men's Blood
The head of the Reykjavík police department's internal affairs unit decides to use his investigation into a corrupt police lieutenant to take down a major criminal organization.
The Grandad
Gudjón has led a safe life. Suddenly faced with retirement and growing older, he is forced to take a good, hard look at his marriage. A dramatic but often lighthearted story about life at a crossroads and the meaning of it all.
Harry & Heimir: Murders Come First
The beautiful Diana Klein seeks the help of private detective Harry, and his faithful assistant Heimir, when her father goes missing.
Polite People
A desperate city slicker engineer cheats his way into a small farming community, pretending to know how to save them by re-financing their slaughterhouse not knowing that he's walking into a local world war of small-town politics and general misbehaving.
Spooks and Spirits
Ofeigur, the passed away father of Anna Sol walks again and starts to involve her life and her boyfriend, Ingi Brjann. The young couples are going to sell the house of the dead but Ofeigur is not very happy with that and tries to convince them not to do it. The intervention of the ghost is so irritating that Ingi Brjann tries to get him away by using methods from an old magic book.
City State
A police woman lost in violence, a mechanic revenging for his lost son, a crime kingpin with a heart condition, a corrupt officer in love with a prostitute will destroy each other.
King's Road
After 3 years abroad Junior returns to Iceland with his set of problems hoping that his father can sort them out but his homecoming isn't quite what he had expected.
The film follows a day in the life of a troubled elderly gentleman facing fear of death and visions of his late father who he gets mixed up with his favorite figure of fiction, Captain Ahab from Moby Dick. He has visions of rubber shoes in the sewer where he works leading him to think back on his childhood and the origins of his bizarre work of art for which he has sacrificed even his marriage. His masterpiece is a bizarre fence along a black beach which he tends to with tenderness but dreads to complete.
No plot found
Stella Runs for Office
Stella and Salomon run a business together, Salomon is hired by Anton Skúlason, pilot, to beautify and transform a village, that he owns. Stella stays in the town and starts teaching politicians how to act for the coming elections. By accident Stella gets involved with the Centrum party, the main rival of the Central party, and before she knows it she's head over heals in politics.
A Man Like Me
A postal worker falls in love with the Chinese waitress at a Chinese restaurant. They start dating and quickly fall in and out of love, the waitress returning to China. The young man looks for comfort in his father but he's too preoccupied with winning the Eurovision song contest. After listening to loser friends talk about what Sylvester Stallone would do in his situation, the postal worker decides to buy a ticket to China and follow his love to her home.
Victor is the story of a conscientious if somewhat withdrawn traffic warden who through a series of mishaps finally finds his place in life. While the setting is unusual the film addresses a wide range of emotions and morality; Love, deceit, frustrated longings and human dignity. Victor, the eponymous hero of the film, is torn between his desire for the supermodel Kate le Font and the genuine affection of his co-worker Herdis. Victor's story comes to a head when a crooked traffic warden accuses him to hide his own crimes. With Herdis' help our hero narrowly avoids disaster. In a surprisingly complex plot, the film illustrates the dangers of repressed emotions, the liberating power of love and the ultimate triumph of good. All this takes place within the microcosmic context of the traffic warden's world which becomes a reflection of all human drama.
Áramótaskaup: 1999
1999's Áramótaskaup, an annual 50-minute TV movie, satirizing the events of the past year.
Glanni Glæpur Í Latabæ
Íþróttaálfurinn has managed to change the villagers' negative attitude towards sports, healthy food and all diligence. But when he leaves and the villagers have to manage on their own, they turn out to be very unstable and easily influenced by the criminal Glanni Glæpur, who turns up disguised as a very rich man. In fact, he has stolen the president's car and intends to corrupt the villagers so that he can sell them un-wholesome powder-food and become mayor of the town.
Glanni Glæpur Í Latabæ
Íþróttaálfurinn has managed to change the villagers' negative attitude towards sports, healthy food and all diligence. But when he leaves and the villagers have to manage on their own, they turn out to be very unstable and easily influenced by the criminal Glanni Glæpur, who turns up disguised as a very rich man. In fact, he has stolen the president's car and intends to corrupt the villagers so that he can sell them un-wholesome powder-food and become mayor of the town.
Glanni Glæpur Í Latabæ
Lolli Lögga
Íþróttaálfurinn has managed to change the villagers' negative attitude towards sports, healthy food and all diligence. But when he leaves and the villagers have to manage on their own, they turn out to be very unstable and easily influenced by the criminal Glanni Glæpur, who turns up disguised as a very rich man. In fact, he has stolen the president's car and intends to corrupt the villagers so that he can sell them un-wholesome powder-food and become mayor of the town.
Alexander, a twenty-year-old student, his girlfriend and a schoolmate discover the ins and outs of film-making while shooting a documentary about his family. A gallery of humorous, off-beat characters is revealed, who's seemingly ordinary lives conceal bitter divorces, passionate second marriages, vengeance, luck and misfortune, crime and punishment.
Tempos de Cinema
Úlfar Kjeld
This Icelandic tale, loosely based on the real-life experiences of director Fridrik Fridriksson tells the saga of a boyhood spent in Iceland in the 1960s.
The Sky Palace
Emily is a young boy that dreams about owning a dog and he starts working so he can save up to buy one. Meanwhile his family are dealing with money problems.
After 15 years Pétur returns to Baddi's auto garage that is still located at the end of the world. Baddi lives there with his two children and worker. 15 years before terrible events occurred at the garage that forced Pétur to leave.
Under the Glacier
Our hero is Umbi (an acronym for emissary of the bishop), sent by him to undertake an important investigation at Snæfell-glacier. In particular he is to look into the conduct and behavior of Jón Prímus, the old pastor at Snæfell. Fantastic rumors are rife: amongst other things it is said that a corpse is lodged in the glacier! Armed with his tape recorder and notebook, Umbi embarks upon his mission. He tries to question the weird locals, a weird lot, but gets evasive answers. Slowly he is dragged into a quagmire of strange happenings and his efforts to understand only make him confused. If at the beginning he is a chipper, a mere device, by the end of the story he is inextricably involved, a committed participant in the bizarre events.
In the Shadow of the Raven
Trausti returns to Iceland just in time to be entangled in a family feud over a stranded whale-cadaver. His mother (the family head) is mortally wounded and Grim kills Erikur; the other clan leader. Isold, daughter of Erikur now takes his place. Isold and Trausti are attracted to each other, but Isold was promised to Hjoerleifur - the son of the Bishop (of Iceland) and his powerful wife. However, Isold has a plan...
The Icelandic Shock Station
The Icelandic Shock-Station is a thoroughbred Icelandic comedy, where the Icelander's daily life and habits are elevated to the level of farcical confusion and where all the laws of common sense are reversed in travesty of themselves, while at the same time the opportunity is taken to satirize some of the features the scriptwriter feels are blemish on the otherwise smooth facade of the nation's character.
Reykjavik, Reykjavik
A dramatized documentary about the capital of Iceland, Reykjavík. The city is seen through the eyes of a visitor, a Canadian girl of Icelandic descent, who marvels at the many charms and peculiarities of Reykjavík. The film was made on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the city.
Reykjavik, Reykjavik
A dramatized documentary about the capital of Iceland, Reykjavík. The city is seen through the eyes of a visitor, a Canadian girl of Icelandic descent, who marvels at the many charms and peculiarities of Reykjavík.
A Policeman's Life
Kormákur "Koggi" Reynis
Lukkuriddararnir Þór og Danni reka sérkennilega gæludýraþjónustu og eru auk þess í sambandi við alþjóðlegan fálkaræningja og ætla að selja honum kjúklinga uppdubbaða sem fálkaunga fyrir stórfé. Eftir röð einkennilegra tilviljana eru þeir komnir í lögregluna og farnir að fylgjast með hegðun borgarbúa. Við löggæslustörfin lenda þeir félagar í ótrúlegustu ævintýrum: Þeir eiga í útistöðum við glæpagengi sem samanstendur af eldri konum, komast í kast við næturdrottninguna og útigangsmann á Arnarhóli og taka þátt í æsilegasta kappakstri sem sést hefur í íslenskri kvikmynd.
Pastoral Life
This is the story of how Þór and Danni run a farm. They get a job running a farm for a local farmer that is going on a vacation to sweden, they of course pronouns them selfs as experts in the field of agriculture, witch they of course aren't. When they have managed to get the "hold" of things they get the brilliant idea to have a agricultural seminar for city people on the farm.
The Atomic Station
The film tells the story of a young farmgirl moving to Reykjavík after the second world war, and her attempts to adapt to the city life.
Second Dance
A Swedish road movie about two mismatched women. The road leads to strange meetings and bizarre events and episodes.
Kusk á hvítflibbanum
A man's struggle fighting the system he lives in.
Land and Sons
An Icelandic farmer's son decides to leave his farm, fiance, friends, dog and horse, during the depression before World War II, to start a new life somewhere else.
At the beginning of the film, three medical students are hunting for a body to use for research purposes. They hear of a tramp that has been found dead. The body is in the mortuary and as no-one seems to know who he is; they decide to take the body for dissection without formal permission. When the body is placed on the operating table, one of the students recognizes the man, and scenes from his acquaintance with the dead man flash back. At the same time certain things begin to happen that they had not allowed for.
An old man comes home with the ashes of his dead wife in an urn. As he waits for the kettle to boil, the relentless hissing of boiling water brings to mind memories. There is nothing ahead for the old man, only lack of purpose, sense of loss and loneliness. He embarks on a journey.