Jacob King, um misterioso homem, deixa a África do Sul, seu país natal e viaja para Los Angeles com um único objetivo a cumprir: vingar a morte de sua irmã.
Jacob King, um misterioso homem, deixa a África do Sul, seu país natal e viaja para Los Angeles com um único objetivo a cumprir: vingar a morte de sua irmã.
Martin Harris acabou de sair de um coma de quatro dias, fruto de um acidente de carro em Berlim. Ao acordar, descobre que sua esposa não o reconhece e, para piorar, existe um outro homem usando sua identidade. Ignorado pelas autoridades e na mira de assassinos, sua única chance de desvendar este mistério é contar com Gina, uma motorista de táxi que poderá ajudá-lo a provar que ele não está louco.
Ellie Carter is recently graduated and has it all. While celebrating with friend and boyfriend, she comes across a milk carton with a picture of a missing child that looks a lot like her. As a prank, they call the toll free number and she realizes that this person could be her. The more she finds out, the closer she gets to getting herself and beloved ones killed.
In New York in 1995 Dr. Richard Jacks is a creator of perfumes. Thus he spends his days inventing new colorful and well smelling potions and certainly caring for his girlfriend Sarah Carver. But when he discovers that his greatgrandfather, called Dr. Jekyll, was a scientist with revoluntionary discoveries, he tries to follow the footsteps of his ancestor and creates more and more delicate potions until one of them converts him into a spectacular superwoman: Helen Hyde. Knowing that Richard has no clue of her existence Helen enforces a professional career at the back of her "creator".
In a cosmic station returning home, the two humans get an order to annihilate the biorobot. But this one is clever and "human" enough to make the two kill each other.