Juan Bardem


Berlanga: el sentimiento austrohúngaro de la vida
Original Music Composer
A journey through the life, work and many artistic miracles of the brilliant Spanish filmmaker Luis García Berlanga (1921-2010).
Los habitantes de la casa deshabitada
Inverosímil Jardiel Poncela
Original Music Composer
The Spanish author Enrique Jardiel Poncela (1901-1952) was one of the best comedy writers of all time, a novelist and newspaper columnist, misunderstood, even censored, both by the Second Republic government and Francoism, an outsider ahead of his time; also a filmmaker and screenwriter in Hollywood, architect of a revolutionary theatrical building and scenographer, cartoonist and illustrator. An implausible genius.
Prim: el asesinato de la calle del Turco
Original Music Composer
Ele gira em torno das circunstâncias que rodearam o atentado mortal foi direcionado para o 27 dez 1870 General Juan Prim y Prats, então presidente do Conselho de Ministros e Ministro da Guerra. Três dias depois, em 30 de dezembro, sua morte foi tornada pública. Uma aproximação para um fato histórico que permanece envolta em mistério; um assassinato que nunca foi resolvido.
Pablo Picasso e o Roubo da Monalisa
Original Music Composer
Paris, 1911. When Da Vinci's painting “La Gioconda” is stolen from the Louvre museum, it is suspected that the authors of the audacious theft are members of a group of bohemian artists led by painter Pablo Ruiz Picasso and poet Guillaume Apollinaire…
Historias de las montañas de la bruma
Missão: Salvar a Terra
Os agentes secretos se reunem para tentar acabar com a pior seca que o mundo já enfrentou, mas o bandido Botijola irá tentar impedir esse encontro. Ele deseja tirar proveito da seca para enriquecer com a exploração das reservas de água remanescentes. É aí que os nossos heróis, Mortadelo (Edu Soto) e Filemón (Pepe Viyuela), entram em ação.
Ao Sul de Granada
Gerald Brenan, um amante da literatura, aluga uma casa por um ano em Yegen, uma aldeia no Alpujarra. Enquanto se integra ao lugar, conhece os moradores da vila, faz amigos, redescobre o amor e vê que precisa decidir o que fazer da vida.
Todo menos la chica
Original Music Composer
My Mother Likes Women
Original Music Composer
Sofia introduces her three adult daughters to her new lover who is their age and happens to be a woman. The women, in particular Elvira find it extremely difficult to accept their mothers sudden apparent sexual reversal. The news pushes the neurotic Elvira to the point of nervous breakdown. Sol, the youngest daughter, writes a lude rock song about it and performs in front of them at a concert. The daughters plot together on how to get their mothers new girlfriend, a native Czech, and brilliant pianist, out of her life. Their plot goes terribly wrong and turns the film from a light-hearted comedy, into mildly amusing drama.
Noche de reyes
Original Music Composer
The last few months in the life of María Elena Moyano, who was killed at the age of 33 by the Peruvian revolutionary movement Sendero Luminoso.
The Ugliest Woman in the World
Somebody has decided to celebrate New Year's Eve 2011 in a very twisted way - by dressing as a nun and brutally dismembering a little old lady. Lt. Arribas, a bald, toothless, one-eyed and lonely detective is called in on the case. His investigations lead him to the door of renegade Doctor Werner, who tells him the strange story of "The Beautiful Otero" the most beautiful woman in the world (former Spanish model Galera) who, before Werner s miraculous surgery, was the ugliest woman in the world! But Lt. Arribas now has a new problem - he is falling in love at a distance with his principle suspect who, because of her traumatic childhood, is planning her vengeance - to sabotage the Miss Spain Beauty Pageant, leaving behind her a trail of dead beauty queens. A super-slick science fiction thriller with a dark and bizarre finale.
Not Love, Just Frenzy
From the land of Almodovar comes a hot new film about drugs, sex & everything else!