Zina stubbornly goes on dates, flirts with strangers on social networks and bypasses the dance floor, because she doesn't dance well. But one day it is her turn to shine with happiness. In the life of Zina, a man finally appeared, and that very ideal one. Flowers, restaurants, gifts - a true gentleman, gallant boyfriend and a big fan of Matisse (Pavel Derevyanko) is in a hurry to please all her whims. And everything would be fine, but the protracted platonic relationship does not suit Zina, she wants something more. But for some reason, the gentleman is in no hurry with closeness. And for that he has his own reasons.
Ilya Goryunov passou sete anos na prisão por falsas acusações de tráfico de drogas. Quando Ilya está livre, ele percebe que a antiga vida que ele ansiava não existe mais. Embora ele não pretendesse se vingar do homem que o mandou para a prisão, agora não há outra saída.
The film is a journey through the amazing life of Alekseyev. He drank tea with Tarkovsky, got into the KGB because of Gagarin, competed with Kalashnikov and Vysotsky. One day, he will learn more about himself than he knew and could have imagined: about his talent, about the mark that he left in the destinies of other people. You can live your life again if someone loves you.
A group of journalists are traveling through the different places and different times trying to solve historical mystery.
Suddenly, on New Year Eve, Yuri becomes invisible. And very surprised after discovering that there is a lot of invisible people like him in Moscow.
Maxim dreams of going to London and finally gets a visa. But a simple request of the mother to throw out the old refrigerator can put a cross not to his dream!
Todos os dançarinos russos sonham em fazer parte da Academia de Ballet Bolshoi, mas o caminho é exigente e cheio de obstáculos. O Eurochannel convida você a conhecer um jovem que vai reivindicar o impossível para manter seu lugar nesta instituição e receber a ajuda da garota por quem está apaixonado. Desfrute disso tudo em Meu pai é Baryshnikov.
Epic film about WWII, a sequel to Utomlyonnye solntsem (1994). Evil Stalin is terrorizing people of Russia while the Nazis are advancing. Russian officer Kotov, who miraculously survived the death sentence in Stalin's Purge, is now fighting in the front-lines. His daughter, Nadia, who survived a rape attempt by Nazi soldiers, is now a nurse risking her own life to save others. In the war-torn nation even former enemies are fighting together to defend their land. People stand up united for the sake of victory. Written by Steve Shelokhonov