Steve Plytas

Steve Plytas

Nascimento : 1913-01-09, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire [now Istanbul, Turkey]

Morte : 1994-12-27


Steve Plytas


Fact-based biography of James Bond author, Ian Fleming. The film focuses on his wartime exploits and romantic adventures which ultimately led to his creation of the super-spy.
Em Gotham City o milionário Bruce Wayne, que quando jovem teve os pais assassinados por bandidos, resolve combater o crime como Batman, o Homem-Morcego. Mas chega o dia em que o vilão Coringa decide dominar a cidade e se torna um grande desafio para o super-herói.
Superman IV: Em Busca da Paz
Russian General #2
Após o Super-Homem acabar com todas as armas nucleares do mundo atirando-as contra o Sol, Lex Luthor consegue fabricar um vilão com a mesma estrutura molecular do nosso herói, e os mesmos poderes: o Homem Nuclear. A criatura está programada para destruir o Homem de Aço e, quando o duelo tem início, o confronto torna-se numa grande ameaça à paz mundial.
Nick is a writer in New York when he gets posted to a bureau in Greece. He has waited 30 years for this. He wants to know why his mother was killed in the civil war years earlier. In a parallel plot line we see Nick as a young boy and his family as they struggle to survive in the occupied Greek hillside. The plot lines converge as Nick's investigations bring him closer to the answers.
Czech Mate
Head Waiter
Vicky's ex-husband, John, invites her on a trip to communist Prague. First John disappears, then her passport. Vicky finds herself alone and penniless in Prague and becomes a tragic pawn caught in a web of espionage and murder.
A Vingança da Pantera Cor-de-Rosa
Douvier's Boardmember
Jacques Clouseau (Peter Sellers), o famoso detetive, é pego em uma emboscada por Philippe Douvier, que decide matá-lo. Só que Clouseau é mais esperto e consegue escapar, porém sua morte é anunciada na mídia, o que leva a todos acharem que ele está realmente morto. O detetive francês passa a tirar vantagem dessa situação e arma um plano na encolha para saber quem armou pra cima dele.
Sex Play
Young daughter of High ranking political figure gets into trouble when she and her friends compete at bedding the foreign diplomats.
The Gathering Storm
Winston Churchill's life in the years leading up to World War II.
Never Mind the Quality: Feel the Width
Swiss Guard
Two London tailors horse around, wind up robbed, go to Rome and disrupt the Vatican.
Ooh... You Are Awful
Signor Vittorio Ferruchi
Charlie Tully and womanising Reggie Peek con two rich Italians out of £500,000 but during their flight out Charlie is arrested for coning an American and a dog. Reggie stores the money in a Swiss Bank and after Charlie is released is about to tell him which Bank when he is killed by Sid Sabbath's gang whose girlfriend Reggie had an affair with. The only lead is four tattoos that is on the girls Reggie had affairs with while Charlie was in jail. But Sabbath is on Charlie's trail to kill him and the Italians contract the mob - to find the money and then kill him.....
Julgamento de um Traidor
Poilce Inspector
A British intelligence agent must track down a fellow spy suspected of being a double agent.
Oh! Que Bela Guerra!
Turkish Military Attaché (uncredited)
Satire about the First World War based on a stage musical of the same name, portraying the "Game of War" and focusing mainly on the members of one family (last name Smith) who go off to war. Much of the action in the movie revolves around the words of the marching songs of the soldiers, and many scenes portray some of the more famous (and infamous) incidents of the war, including the assassination of Duke Ferdinand, the Christmas meeting between British and German soldiers in no-mans-land, and the wiping out by their own side of a force of Irish soldiers newly arrived at the front, after successfully capturing a ridge that had been contested for some time.
Half-brothers Stefane and Antony despise their biological father, callous millionaire Charles Calvert. Because Charles refuses to share his wealth with his sons, Stefane and Antony ask hip American thrill-seeker Duffy to help steal the money they believe is their birthright. When Charles decides to move a large portion of his savings from Morocco to France, Duffy has an opportunity to stage a daring burglary attempt at sea.
Doctor Who: The Tenth Planet
The Doctor's TARDIS lands at the Snowcap space tracking station in Antarctica in December 1986. A routine space mission starts going wrong. When the base personnel's suspicions are roused, the Doctor informs them that the space capsule is being affected by the gravitational pull of another planet — a tenth planet in the Solar system.
O Espião que Veio do Frio
East German Judge
Alec Leamas, um espião britânico vai para a Alemanha Oriental supostamente para desertar, mas na verdade, vai para semear a desinformação. À medida que surgem mais reviravoltas na trama, Leamas fica mais convencido de que seu próprio lado o vê apenas como mais uma engrenagem. Sua luta contra a desumanização torna-se o foco final da história.
Cardinal (uncredited)
O Arcebisto de Canterbury (Felix Aylmer), grande opositor do Estado inglês, morre, e o Rei Henrique II nomeia um seu antigo amigo de festas para o cargo tentando evitar qualquer tipo de oposição. Mas o que Henrique II não contava era que Becket, seu antigo amigo, fosse ser mais rígido que qualquer outro antecessor. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
The Small World of Sammy Lee
Bistro Owner
The compère of a seedy strip club struggles to keep one step ahead of the bookies to whom he owes money.
Luz na Praça
Concierge (uncredited)
A young American woman traveling in Italy with her mother is slender, blonde, beautiful and there is something charmingly naive about her. Fabrizio Naccarelli seems to always know where the mother and daughter will sightsee next. Signor Naccarelli is just as concerned about where this will lead as Mrs. Johnson is. Then she starts thinking that perhaps her daughter can be a wife of a wealthy young man in a society where all she has to do is look beautiful. What happens if Signor Naccarelli finds out who his prospective daughter-in-law really is?
The Pursuers
A group of former concentration camp prisoners has formed an underground network to hunt Nazi leaders, who are still on the loose. At a secret meeting in Paris they discuss what to do with the former Auschwitz commandant Karl Brochmann, who since 12 years lives in London under the false identity of Karl Luther. They decide to take the law in their own hands, and send their member David to London. He starts his commission by scaring Luther, to see his reactions. Luther is already nervous, because the newspapers are writing about the capture of Eichmann. When he finds out that somebody has broken into his apartment and painted a swastika on his mirror, he gets terrified. He empties his bank account, packs a bag with all his cash and runs away, followed by David.
Two Wives at One Wedding
Tom Murray's wedding day takes a turn for the worse when a mysterious woman arrives uninvited and claims to be Tom's wife.
Passaporte para a Vergonha
Cafe Boss
British melodrama about a cabbie befriending a girl caught up in the white slave trade.