Noel Willman

Noel Willman

Nascimento : 1918-08-04, Londonderry, Ireland

Morte : 1988-12-24


Noel Willman


Pânico em Munique
Bruno Merk
A dramatization of the incident in 1972 when Arab terrorists broke into the Olympic compound in Munich and murdered 11 Israeli athletes.
Rumpole of the Bailey
Mr Justice Bates
An irreverent barrister chooses to defend a young Jamaican boy accused of stabbing on the same day his only son leaves for college in America.
O Dossiê de Odessa
Franz Bayer
22 de novembro de 1963: o presidente John F. Kennedy é assassinado. O repórter alemão Peter Miller descobre que uma ambulância levava o corpo de um sobrevivente do Holocausto, cujo diário trazia detalhes assombrosos dos campos de concentração. Esse diário conduz Miller na trilha da organização secreta ODESSA.
A Vingança da Deusa
A bela jovem européia, Carol, é possuída pelo espírito de Ayesha – “Aquela, que deve ser obedecida” – e levada à cidade perdida de Kuma, onde está destinada a se tornar rainha.
A Serpente
Dr. Franklyn
Quando seu irmão Charles Spalding misteriosamente morre, Harry e sua esposa Valerie decidem se mudar para a pequena casa herdade numa pequena vila. Ao chegarem, são friamente recebidos pelos moradores locais, com a excessão de Tom Bailey, dono do bar da vila, que os recebe. Seu estranho vizinho, Dr. Franklyn, que mora com sua linda filha Anna, tenta convencê-los a deixarem o lugar, mas o casal decide ficar. Quando, juntamente com Tom, Harry descobre que os moradores locais estão sendo mortos por uma espécie de cobra e Anna deixa um bilhete pedindo ajuda ao casal, eles invadem a casa do Dr. Franklyn e descobrem a horripilante verdade.
Doutor Jivago
Razin, Liberius' Lieutenant
Ambientado antes e durante a Revolução Bolchevique na Rússia, conheça a história do doutor Yury Zhivago, que em plena guerra se viu apaixonado pela bela Lara Antipova, o amor impossível que move toda a história. Baseado na obra de Boris Pasternak, vencedor de 5 Oscar, incluindo Fotografia e Roteiro Adaptado.
The Kiss of the Vampire
Dr. Ravna
Honeymooning in Bavaria, a young couple becomes stranded and is forced to stay the night in the area. Doctor Ravna, owner of the impressive chateau that sits imposingly above the village, invites them to dinner that evening. Their association with Ravna and his charming, beautiful family is to prove disastrous.
The Girl on the Boat
Norman Wisdom does to P.G. Wodehouse in Girl on the Boat what Jerry Lewis did to Gore Vidal in Visit to a Small Planet. The zany Wisdom, put in charge of his aunt's cottage during an English summer in the roaring twenties, decides to invite several of his friends to his posh new digs. Among the invitees is the title character, played by the delightful comedienne Millicent Martin. All sorts of slapstick chaos ensues, but Wisdom manages to save the day before things get hopelessly out of hand. Like Jerry Lewis, Norman Wisdom is an acquired taste, but he's worth sampling at least once. ...The Girl on the Boat
Two Living, One Dead
Three Post Office employees are at work when the facility is held up. The robber kills the supervisor and knocks out another employee. The third one offers no resistance and survives unscathed. Afterwards he begins to wonder if his refusal to resist was a prudent move to preserve his family, or an act of cowardice, as many in the town believe. The resulting conflict begins to tear apart his family.
Armadilha a Sangue Frio
Prison Governor
When a robbery at a racetrack goes wrong ex-con Johnny Bannion is caught and sent back to prison. He won't tell the rest of the gang where he has stashed the loot leading to violent consequences.
Never Let Go
Inspector Thomas
John Cummings, an unsuccessful cosmetics salesman, has his unpaid-for car stolen by one of the hoods in the employ of Lionel Meadows, the sadistic organizer of a London car conversion racket. The car was not insured, and since the police appear indifferent to his plight, Cummings decides to find it himself -- and gets himself involved in an underworld battle.
Quando os Destinos Se Cruzam
Nigel Pickering
A seasoned pilot is condemned for an error which causes a crash. The pilot later dies in a crash with similar circumstances and an examiner looks for scientific reasons for the crashes.
The Winslow Boy
The Lawyer
In pre-WW1 England, a youngster is expelled from a naval academy over a petty theft, but his parents raise a political furor by demanding a trial.
Amanhã Sorrirei Outra Vez
Londres, Inglaterra, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Após uma trágica experiência de vida, a jovem Violette Szabo se junta ao Executivo de Operações Especiais e atravessa as linhas inimigas alemãs como agente secreto para ajudar um grupo da Resistência francesa.
Across the Bridge
Chief of Police
In Mexico, a financier on the run poses as a man he just murdered, only to find out that the man was also a murderer.
Abandon Ship
Aubrey Clark
After a massive luxury liner sinks into the ocean, the ship's officer must command a rickety lifeboat, built for only nine, that is stuffed with over twenty desperate and injured passengers. As a hurricane approaches and the many wounded passengers struggle for life, difficult decisions must be made about who will remain on the boat and who must be cast to the sea in order to give others the chance to survive.
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Pouco antes de morrer, um espião inglês conta para o doutor Ben McKenna e sua esposa Jo, dois turistas inocentes, algum segredo que os envolve em um caso internacional de espionagem. Seu filho é seqüestrado e, sem saber em quem confiar, eles tem de lutar para recuperá-lo. Remake em widescreen e Technicolor do filme de 1934 do próprio Hitchcock.
O Príncipe Negro
Du Guesclin
Edward, Prince of Wales, son and heir to his father King Edward III of England, leads an English army to the French province of Aquitaine to protect the inhabitant from the ravages of the French. After defeating the French in battle, the defeated French plot to kill the prince. Failing in this, they kidnap his lady, the lovely Lady Joan Holland. Of course Prince Edward has to ride to the rescue, adopting numerous guises to save his paramour, which ultimately end in him leading his men into one final climactic battle against the French. (Also known as "The Warriors" and "The Black Prince").
O Belo Brummel
Lord Byron
Lavishly told story of George Bryan Brummel, a commoner born in the era of Napoleon who uses wit, brilliance and sartorial flair to align himself with the future King George IV. Lush settings in authentic locations and Taylor in Regency …
Heróis de Malta
In 1942 Britain was clinging to the island of Malta since it was critical to keeping Allied supply lines open. The Axis also wanted it for their own supply lines. Plenty of realistic reenactments and archival combat footage as the British are beseiged and try to fight off the Luftwaffe. Against this background, a RAF reconnaissance photographer's romance with a local girl is endangered as he tries to plot enemy movements.
The Net
Dr. Dennis Bord
A secret jet aircraft capable of traveling three times the speed of sound is being developed by a group of scientists. On the day of the test flight, one of the scientists dies in a mysterious accident, and there are many arguments concerning the flight itself; some think it should be ground-controlled while Heathley (James Donald) wants it to be a manned flight with himself at the controls. Conflict also arises when one of his fellow scientists, taking advantage of Heathley's lack of attention toward his wife, Lydia (Phyllis Calvert), makes some moves on her. Then there is the question of just who is the enemy agent on the project.
Androcles and the Lion
George Bernard Shaw’s breezy, delightful dramatization of this classic fable—about a Christian slave who pulls a thorn from a lion’s paw and is spared from death in the Colosseum as a result of his kind act—was written as a meditation on modern Christian values. Pascal’s final Shaw production is played broadly, with comic character actor Alan Young as the titular naïf. He’s ably supported by Jean Simmons, Victor Mature, Robert Newton, and Elsa Lanchester.
The Pickwick Papers
Mr. Perker
The Pickwick Club sends Mr. Pickwick and a group of friends to travel across England and to report back on the interesting things they find...