Cleo Valente


A Qualquer Preço
Determinada a ter sucesso como actriz, Sarah Walker passa os seus dias num emprego sem futuro, mantém amizades mesquinhas e vai a inúmeras audições, na esperança de conseguir a sua sorte. Após uma série de testes invulgares, consegue o papel principal num novo filme de uma empresa misteriosa. Uma oportunidade que acarreta consequências bizarras e aterrorizantes.
Trans/Formed is a feature film documentary that looks into the lives of the male and female transgender community living in Los Angeles; how they survive cultural upheaval and challenges from the social norm. The film follows the lives of four transgender women of different ethnicities and backgrounds, creating an unfolding eclectic family album assembled without judgment. With a subtle sense of appreciation of human imperfection and courage, through statistics and visual imagery, we show an ever increasing appreciation of the unique transgender form. Trans/Formed intends to expose the truths, challenges, revelations and faces of the transgender world. Through unfiltered eyes and a variety of testimonies we will reveal past horrors, present taboos, and future dreams. From silicon injection parties, prostitution, the growing transgender porn industry, weekend yoga retreats and stand up comedy, Trans/Formed explores the many facets of this fascinating world, leaving us Trans/Formed.