Ted Hardy-Carnac


A World Free of Crisis
Thirty-year-old Émilie, as spontaneous as she is clumsy, screws up all her job interviews one after the other. Under pressure, harassed by the owner of her rental apartment, she puts a lot of hope in a new interview which she has managed to secure for this afternoon. But in a near future, where social demands are no longer exactly the same, nothing happens as planned.
A World Free of Crisis
Thirty-year-old Émilie, as spontaneous as she is clumsy, screws up all her job interviews one after the other. Under pressure, harassed by the owner of her rental apartment, she puts a lot of hope in a new interview which she has managed to secure for this afternoon. But in a near future, where social demands are no longer exactly the same, nothing happens as planned.
Tunisie 2045
Tunisie 2045
Karine tem 16 anos e vive com a mãe. Todos os dias, ela conversa com o pai, no telefone ou em uma webcam. Uma noite, a mãe de Karine anuncia-lhe que a sua situação financeira se tornou muito precária. O saldo família inteira é questionada. Agora, é realmente tempo para contá-la. Mas dizer o que? E para quem? - Veja mais em: http://www.nouveaucine.com/en/1586/lifever-de-ted-hardy-carnac/#sthash.XpKssqYg.dpuf